Episode 12
We are ready for regional's and the heartbreaking news that Rin isn't swimming in the relay anymore after losing his focus.
Can the boys win?!
27 September 2013
26 September 2013
WataMote : Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Think About the Future
Lament 12
It is the end, last week someone took pity on Tomoko, but with our last visit to our unpopular friend what kind of adventure awaits for us to say goodbye!
It is the end, last week someone took pity on Tomoko, but with our last visit to our unpopular friend what kind of adventure awaits for us to say goodbye!
Vicious circle of neighbor complaints
So our neighbor complained to our landlord that our dogs bark all day and night, only shit in her garden, we never clean it up and we leave them alone in the house all day.
Now most of that contradicts itself anyway, how can the dogs be outside in their garden all day shitting if we aren't home and lock them up?
But our landlord had to come and tell us off, don't let the dogs in the garden until you've put a fence/chicken wire up and try to stop them barking.
According to her our dogs have the ability to keep a 13 year old up all night in the next house but leave a 4 year old asleep in the room above them.... She's covering her own ass because her kid doesn't go to school!
Anyway that isn't the point, we were nice to the lady when she moved in and took a load of crap from her sons but since then we don't want anything to do with them. It feels like walking on egg shells, oh our dog barked once they might evict us, oh Christy had a temper tantrum they might evict us.... You get what I mean.
We've done everything our landlord has told us to do, kind of. They've said the dogs can go in the garden on their lead, we refuse to anymore we take them out the front of the house whenever they need the toilet. We haven't got a fence up yet as we haven't got the money but we moved one dog out of the house (yes my dog Gimli is living with my nan now, sad times) and the other from the kitchen to the living room.
Thing is we can't defend ourselves against the allegations, after all it is harder to prove that someone is lying than lying in the first place!
We decided not to go tit for tat as there are plenty of things we could complain about from her screaming at her kids at all times of the day to their cats being left to shit in our garden (yes she is that hypocritical!) but we haven't.
Today they put fish guts on our side of the garden for bin bag day. FISH GUTS! So my mum put it back on their side of the garden, they watched my mum and opened the door on our friend Matt who was helping take the bin bags down glared at him and shut the front door. After we finished we watched out the front door as she put the bag back on our side, my mum confronted her and she said it was dog poo.
Now the day BEFORE the landlord came with the complaint we went into her garden and cleaned all dog poo up as Cat did nearly every day anyway, that was over a week ago so how she STILL has dog poo in her garden when we haven't let the dogs out is beyond me and why our dogs suddenly crap out fish guts again is beyond me. The petty mindedness of it all is beyond me too, I mean for fuck sake what the hell is wrong with putting it with her rubbish? Does she think the bin men will judge her for her stinking fish habits?!
So, finally fed up of it all I've e-mailed the landlord with a counter complaint and asking for advice on what to do. I say counter complaint because I've even said I know that she'll probably complain about us anyway, we are living in fear that anything we do will be reported and we can't defend ourselves and even though we've now complained about them and their shouting and cats if the landlord went to see them about it they'll just find a reason to complain about us and we'll be on the back foot because they complained first!
Nowhere on line seems to have any advice on it, other then what I've done which is to say we are worried that she'll complain about things that we aren't even doing and we already know the second a complaint is made there is no real room for defense as then it'll come down to one persons word against the others.
It is just so annoying!
Finally I looked like I was getting a bit better, I was looking forward to work and I started my Japanese lessons.
Then out of the blue this, we've been on egg shells ever since and now my mum has confronted them no doubt they'll hate us for whatever reason.
Ohhh and the Primary School reported my sister to Social Services who are coming tomorrow at ridiculous o'clock in the morning to assess our house (god knows what our next door neighbor will do if she finds that out!) The big problem with that is that our house is full of clutter, the last time social came round here they said they understood the problems. I mean it'll probably help Cat move out faster but then me and my mum are totally fucked so it isn't exactly good news (to be fair we don't need to be cluttered Christy is spoilt and if Cat got off her arse and just got on with life rather then try and do things to go to the council and say "look I've made myself even more cluttered now I REALLY need a house" we'd be fine.)
I won't sleep tonight meaning I'll either be asleep when social come which will probably get Cat marked down or else I'll be grumpy. I've said I'll take the dog out but I don't think I can handle him around people on my own and right now I just feel like crying.
What the hell are my family actually meant to do?
Our neighbor will complain come what may and gods know what will happen with social tomorrow.
I feel tomorrow my life is going to be turned upside down and it is making me ten times worse than I have ever been.
Now most of that contradicts itself anyway, how can the dogs be outside in their garden all day shitting if we aren't home and lock them up?
But our landlord had to come and tell us off, don't let the dogs in the garden until you've put a fence/chicken wire up and try to stop them barking.
According to her our dogs have the ability to keep a 13 year old up all night in the next house but leave a 4 year old asleep in the room above them.... She's covering her own ass because her kid doesn't go to school!
Anyway that isn't the point, we were nice to the lady when she moved in and took a load of crap from her sons but since then we don't want anything to do with them. It feels like walking on egg shells, oh our dog barked once they might evict us, oh Christy had a temper tantrum they might evict us.... You get what I mean.
We've done everything our landlord has told us to do, kind of. They've said the dogs can go in the garden on their lead, we refuse to anymore we take them out the front of the house whenever they need the toilet. We haven't got a fence up yet as we haven't got the money but we moved one dog out of the house (yes my dog Gimli is living with my nan now, sad times) and the other from the kitchen to the living room.
Thing is we can't defend ourselves against the allegations, after all it is harder to prove that someone is lying than lying in the first place!
We decided not to go tit for tat as there are plenty of things we could complain about from her screaming at her kids at all times of the day to their cats being left to shit in our garden (yes she is that hypocritical!) but we haven't.
Today they put fish guts on our side of the garden for bin bag day. FISH GUTS! So my mum put it back on their side of the garden, they watched my mum and opened the door on our friend Matt who was helping take the bin bags down glared at him and shut the front door. After we finished we watched out the front door as she put the bag back on our side, my mum confronted her and she said it was dog poo.
Now the day BEFORE the landlord came with the complaint we went into her garden and cleaned all dog poo up as Cat did nearly every day anyway, that was over a week ago so how she STILL has dog poo in her garden when we haven't let the dogs out is beyond me and why our dogs suddenly crap out fish guts again is beyond me. The petty mindedness of it all is beyond me too, I mean for fuck sake what the hell is wrong with putting it with her rubbish? Does she think the bin men will judge her for her stinking fish habits?!
So, finally fed up of it all I've e-mailed the landlord with a counter complaint and asking for advice on what to do. I say counter complaint because I've even said I know that she'll probably complain about us anyway, we are living in fear that anything we do will be reported and we can't defend ourselves and even though we've now complained about them and their shouting and cats if the landlord went to see them about it they'll just find a reason to complain about us and we'll be on the back foot because they complained first!
Nowhere on line seems to have any advice on it, other then what I've done which is to say we are worried that she'll complain about things that we aren't even doing and we already know the second a complaint is made there is no real room for defense as then it'll come down to one persons word against the others.
It is just so annoying!
Finally I looked like I was getting a bit better, I was looking forward to work and I started my Japanese lessons.
Then out of the blue this, we've been on egg shells ever since and now my mum has confronted them no doubt they'll hate us for whatever reason.
Ohhh and the Primary School reported my sister to Social Services who are coming tomorrow at ridiculous o'clock in the morning to assess our house (god knows what our next door neighbor will do if she finds that out!) The big problem with that is that our house is full of clutter, the last time social came round here they said they understood the problems. I mean it'll probably help Cat move out faster but then me and my mum are totally fucked so it isn't exactly good news (to be fair we don't need to be cluttered Christy is spoilt and if Cat got off her arse and just got on with life rather then try and do things to go to the council and say "look I've made myself even more cluttered now I REALLY need a house" we'd be fine.)
I won't sleep tonight meaning I'll either be asleep when social come which will probably get Cat marked down or else I'll be grumpy. I've said I'll take the dog out but I don't think I can handle him around people on my own and right now I just feel like crying.
What the hell are my family actually meant to do?
Our neighbor will complain come what may and gods know what will happen with social tomorrow.
I feel tomorrow my life is going to be turned upside down and it is making me ten times worse than I have ever been.
25 September 2013
Kiniro Mosaic End of Season Review
After a visit from a Japanese girl named Shino it becomes Alice's dream to go to Japan and live with Shino. In their first year of middle school Alice transfers to Japan, she's learnt Japanese and ready to be with Shino. During the adventures of the two not only does Alice make friends with Shino's friends Yoko and Aya but one of Alice's friends from England comes over to Japan to study with them.
24 September 2013
Super Seisyun Brothers : Bro and Sis + Bro and Sis =
Episode 1
Basically all I know is what is on my screen now, which is the opening bit of the anime which says "And between these similar siblings, existed a strange relationship."
This could end up being very, VERY good or totally and utterly terrible!
Basically all I know is what is on my screen now, which is the opening bit of the anime which says "And between these similar siblings, existed a strange relationship."
This could end up being very, VERY good or totally and utterly terrible!
Diabolik Lovers : Episode 2 (O'Clock)
Episode 2
So this is the make or break week I believe.
Diabolik Lovers episode one introduced us to the characters, the brothers and the girl, it introduced us to why she was where she ended up and also the mystery that her father wasn't her father.
It was nicely packaged into 15 minutes (a little less) and left me teetering on the fence. On one hand it could be interesting on the other I am no great fan of romance... We'll see shall we?
So this is the make or break week I believe.
Diabolik Lovers episode one introduced us to the characters, the brothers and the girl, it introduced us to why she was where she ended up and also the mystery that her father wasn't her father.
It was nicely packaged into 15 minutes (a little less) and left me teetering on the fence. On one hand it could be interesting on the other I am no great fan of romance... We'll see shall we?
23 September 2013
Fairy Tail : The Flame's Voice
Chapter 352
The flame is gone and Wendy feels some strange magical power.......
What the hell happened?!
The flame is gone and Wendy feels some strange magical power.......
What the hell happened?!
Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou End of Season Review
After saving a girl in a restaurant, book obsessed Kazuhito Harumi is resurrected as a dog with a link to his favorite author Shinobu Akiyama... Or in other words the girl he saved in the restaurant who is actually called Kirihime Natsuno. Not only is she a world class author but she has an obsession with scissors and seems to have fallen for the dog who is only alive because of his determination not to die before reading the last of her books in a series...
Blood Lad End of Season Review
Set in the Demon World, Blood Lad chronicled the tale of Fuyumi and Staz. Fuyumi was a human that accidentally ended up in the Demon World and turned into a ghost and Staz, a Vampire obsessed with humans, promised to resurrect her.
So how did the first season go?
Fans booing Sebastian Vettel Part Two (Still on the wrong side of the debate...)
So once again the argument of whether F1 fans should boo any driver has raised itself. How many races now has Vettel been booed?
We get people telling us how wrong it is, how disgusting it is, how we should all just cheer them because they are fantastical athletes... And most people seem to think it is generally just Ferrari fans (purely because it happened at Monza which is very much Ferrari territory.)
In some ways I agree, but being on the outside of all this for a while now (how long ago was it since I watched a race?) and also being within a fandom where I grew up learning to boo at "bad" guys which morphed into "people I dislike" later in life I still have my unique view on it all.
Now I agree we should all respect every driver no matter where they come in a race. What they do is incredibly difficult and respect should be there from the moment they step in a car.
That is pretty much the point I stop agreeing.
As I've said before in my blog on fans booing I feel differently about booing for a number of reasons.
I am happy for people to boo Fernando Alonso, go ahead and boo him all you want. What I take great pains seeing online is people who TAG HIM ON TWITTER just to tell him how much of a "greasy Spanish git" he is or how he's a "Cheater who doesn't deserve to win".... And both of these came from a friend of mine I follow who just so happens to be a Vettel fan AND HATES THAT FANS BOO HIM.
We get people telling us how wrong it is, how disgusting it is, how we should all just cheer them because they are fantastical athletes... And most people seem to think it is generally just Ferrari fans (purely because it happened at Monza which is very much Ferrari territory.)
In some ways I agree, but being on the outside of all this for a while now (how long ago was it since I watched a race?) and also being within a fandom where I grew up learning to boo at "bad" guys which morphed into "people I dislike" later in life I still have my unique view on it all.
Now I agree we should all respect every driver no matter where they come in a race. What they do is incredibly difficult and respect should be there from the moment they step in a car.
That is pretty much the point I stop agreeing.
As I've said before in my blog on fans booing I feel differently about booing for a number of reasons.
I am happy for people to boo Fernando Alonso, go ahead and boo him all you want. What I take great pains seeing online is people who TAG HIM ON TWITTER just to tell him how much of a "greasy Spanish git" he is or how he's a "Cheater who doesn't deserve to win".... And both of these came from a friend of mine I follow who just so happens to be a Vettel fan AND HATES THAT FANS BOO HIM.
Makai Ouji : Devils and Realist : Realists but Romanticists
Episode 12
Solomon is awake, Astaroth is worried that Heaven will attack....
The final showdown, the fate of William... It all happens now!
Solomon is awake, Astaroth is worried that Heaven will attack....
The final showdown, the fate of William... It all happens now!
Uchouten Kazoku : The False Eizan Electric Railway
Episode 12
....... Someone save Yaichiro please....... And Mother....
....... Someone save Yaichiro please....... And Mother....
Kiniro Mosaic : Golden Moment
Episode 12
So the last day with the girls. Sad times.....
So the last day with the girls. Sad times.....
DANGANRONPA : The Animation : How the Super High School Level Unlucky Student Bewitched the Super High School Level Murder, the Super High School Level Execution and the Super High School Level Despair
Episode 12
Well what else can I say?
The true solution arc of the school life of mutual killings begins now.
(And what a lovely long title we have this week!)
Well what else can I say?
The true solution arc of the school life of mutual killings begins now.
(And what a lovely long title we have this week!)
Free! : Furious All-out!
Episode 11
Rei has gone to "talk" to Rin. He really didn't like being in the cold about everything and after getting the low down he's gone to confront him.
What a sweetheart!
Rei has gone to "talk" to Rin. He really didn't like being in the cold about everything and after getting the low down he's gone to confront him.
What a sweetheart!
20 September 2013
Gin no Saji : Hachiken bakes pizza
Episode 4
We met Pork Bowl last week, the runt of the litter!
We also found out that hardship facing most of the students, the fact they have to come to terms with killing the animals they are working with.
Pretty touching stuff!
We met Pork Bowl last week, the runt of the litter!
We also found out that hardship facing most of the students, the fact they have to come to terms with killing the animals they are working with.
Pretty touching stuff!
Gin no Saji : Hachiken Meets Pork Bowl
Episode 3
He finally got up on a horse last week! What a guy.
The fun continues now with the added fun of Equestrian club.
He finally got up on a horse last week! What a guy.
The fun continues now with the added fun of Equestrian club.
18 September 2013
Diabolik Lovers : Episode 1 (O'Clock)
Episode 1
I know this has SOMETHING to do with Vampires, other than that I'm in the dark.
The title itself doesn't lead to much hope for me to be honest but we'll see!
I know this has SOMETHING to do with Vampires, other than that I'm in the dark.
The title itself doesn't lead to much hope for me to be honest but we'll see!
Free! Short Movie Makoto's Problem / Staff Recruitment
Special 1
Soooo... This popped up the other day, Free! has a special episode!
Wonder what is going to happen? If its anything like SAO it'll just be a silly (read that as funny) little DVD extra... Or it could be a extra episode... God knows!
Soooo... This popped up the other day, Free! has a special episode!
Wonder what is going to happen? If its anything like SAO it'll just be a silly (read that as funny) little DVD extra... Or it could be a extra episode... God knows!
Doctor Who Figurine Collection Issue 1
This morning I woke up to this....
What is it you ask? Well it is the Doctor Who Figurine Collection of course!
I subscribed last week (or the weekend before technically) and I'm a little behind as everyone got Issue's 2 and 3 last week and my Issue 1 has only just got here, but that isn't anything to worry about!
So what is in the figurine collection?
Well Issue 1 has a Eleventh Doctor Figure, the magazine gives an explanation on the scene that they used to create the model (the Stonehenge speech), the Eleventh Doctors costume and how it came about as well as a two page spread on the year 1963.
So opinions?
I think the magazine and figure are worth the money, my Doctor kind of has hair problems which I am going to get in touch with the magazine about (the roots of his hair and the ends of it are painted flesh coloured) but other than that it is a BEAUTIFUL figure with a wonderful magazine.
Even though it is worth the money I do think the magazine is a tad of a let down, just not enough real info in there, a whole lot about the tweed but only flashes of a brilliant magazine in there.
By far my favourite bit is the double spread on 1963 full of wonderful bits of information about what was happening in '63 as well as what was going on in the Who world in '63.
The mention of Iron Man was all I needed to get over excited!
Very well thought out packaging indeed!
The model also has its name on the base of the figure... Why I'm telling you this I don't know but thought it would be of interest!
Altogether it is great, I also get "free gifts" for signing up to the subscription though I didn't go for the premium subscription which was £1 and gave you 7 Daleks over the course of a few months, the only Dalek I was interested in within the collection was the Oswin Dalek, from the looks of it we will be getting PLENTY of Daleks and Cybermen in the months to come, the only downside of what looks to be quite a wonderful collection.
And now I know you'll want to see a close up of the figure itself right?
I really like it! As I said the hair line has been..... fleshed but it is a nice looking model all the same. It is only the hair line that annoys me the rest of the figure is actually very beautiful and well worth the money spent on it.
And yeah that is Issue 1! I will probably have a similar blog about each and every one of the issues as I think it is worth looking at if you are a Doctor Who fan.
WataMote : Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Take Part in the Culture Festival
Lament 11
The new school year didn't start well for Tomoko and now the Culture Festival is upon her!
The new school year didn't start well for Tomoko and now the Culture Festival is upon her!
Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou : Dogs and Scissors Require Good Handling
Chapter 12
Last episode was. Well. A little bit of everything. Good fun but a little packed and no real story.
Kind of hoping there is more of a story this week!
Last episode was. Well. A little bit of everything. Good fun but a little packed and no real story.
Kind of hoping there is more of a story this week!
Makai Ouji : Devils and Realist : King and Ring
Episode 11
We were promised last week from Baal that we are going to get serious.
Are we ready?
We were promised last week from Baal that we are going to get serious.
Are we ready?
17 September 2013
Uchouten Kazoku : Back in the Game
Episode 11
I was furious at the end of last weeks episode but number one priority this week.
Please let Yaichiro be OK!
I was furious at the end of last weeks episode but number one priority this week.
Please let Yaichiro be OK!
Autumn Season of Anime!
So the Fall season is upon us! Some of the first episodes have started and here is where people are going to cough politely and point to two or three shows I started to review.... And never got to the end of (some not even episode 2) in the Summer season.
Well...... I'll do my best!
And I will start the Fall season!
One or two shows have started already which will give me a head start, specially as I'm not 100% on whether I'll be watching the ones that are out.
Anyway, this week and next are the ends of a few that I HAVE been up to date with so I'm not doing that badly!
Please feel free to message me any suggestions for the Fall season or even message me about a anime I might have been neglecting that you want me to catch up with. Don't be shy!
If you don't want to leave a comment my e-mail is on the side of the page -->
Well...... I'll do my best!
And I will start the Fall season!
One or two shows have started already which will give me a head start, specially as I'm not 100% on whether I'll be watching the ones that are out.
Anyway, this week and next are the ends of a few that I HAVE been up to date with so I'm not doing that badly!
Please feel free to message me any suggestions for the Fall season or even message me about a anime I might have been neglecting that you want me to catch up with. Don't be shy!
If you don't want to leave a comment my e-mail is on the side of the page -->
Kiniro Mosaic : Try and guess how much I like you
Episode 11
Last week was like fact file week. Wanted to know some strange little bits and pieces about the girls? Well last week was the week! It was actually very interesting.
Getting close to the end so I wonder what we'll be up to now?!
Last week was like fact file week. Wanted to know some strange little bits and pieces about the girls? Well last week was the week! It was actually very interesting.
Getting close to the end so I wonder what we'll be up to now?!
Fairy Tail : Eternal Fire
Chapter 351
Sooo Gray defeated Doriate and with his last words he muttered something about us opening the gate.
Thhhen he was eaten by a big bird.
No jokes.
Poor thing.
Sooo Gray defeated Doriate and with his last words he muttered something about us opening the gate.
Thhhen he was eaten by a big bird.
No jokes.
Poor thing.
DANGANRONPA : The Animation : Dash Towards the Youthful Junk Food of Despair Not Normal Arc
Episode 11
Well the Super Duper High School Despair was a bit of a let down. Menacing but didn't really do anything then be killed and blow up. Wonder if we'll find out that story behind that!
As it is Kirigiri has something to tell us all...
Well the Super Duper High School Despair was a bit of a let down. Menacing but didn't really do anything then be killed and blow up. Wonder if we'll find out that story behind that!
As it is Kirigiri has something to tell us all...
Free! : Irritated Heart Rate!
Episode 10
Last episode was the breakthrough for Haru, he finally realized that he just wants to race with his friends.
He just doesn't know that Rin will be racing against them at regional's in the relay!
Last episode was the breakthrough for Haru, he finally realized that he just wants to race with his friends.
He just doesn't know that Rin will be racing against them at regional's in the relay!
16 September 2013
What a week!
So I have been quiet, yes I have. Everything in the last week has changed and I haven't really taken it well.
My sister has started to learn to drive, why is that a big deal? It isn't really she's just rubbing it in and saying "of course you can learn to drive to" in what world will £380 pay for all my bills, a life AND driving lessons? I can't expect David to pay for me every day just because I want to learn to drive, not that it would help seeing I wouldn't be able to afford a car or insurance on it anyway!
Talking of David he's got a job in Lee Mill. Happy news, until you realize it is near on impossible to get from Plymouth to Lee Mill. I'll see him every Friday but doubtful I'll see him much other than that.
Our manager has definitely left, no one told me this I found out when on the job centre website. Obviously not important enough to know about these things, or the fact they have advertised for another part time place with more hours than mine.... Yeah they can't find extra hours for me but they can hire someone completely different.
Adam has left work because no one bothered to talk to him about the job and they basically just gave the job to Tom. I met Adam in my first week or work and I'll miss him.
It just seemed like a week where everyone got on with their lives and mine just stagnated even more.
You can tell I'm not a happy bunny when I haven't even read the new Fairy Tail chapter!
Today I took a positive step forward in my life though by registering with Pertemps to see if I can get some temp jobs or something and just disappear from this job. Me and David also put our name down for a housing to see if we can get an affordable flat in the future.
But all in all I've had a pretty meh week. Just meh.
My sister has started to learn to drive, why is that a big deal? It isn't really she's just rubbing it in and saying "of course you can learn to drive to" in what world will £380 pay for all my bills, a life AND driving lessons? I can't expect David to pay for me every day just because I want to learn to drive, not that it would help seeing I wouldn't be able to afford a car or insurance on it anyway!
Talking of David he's got a job in Lee Mill. Happy news, until you realize it is near on impossible to get from Plymouth to Lee Mill. I'll see him every Friday but doubtful I'll see him much other than that.
Our manager has definitely left, no one told me this I found out when on the job centre website. Obviously not important enough to know about these things, or the fact they have advertised for another part time place with more hours than mine.... Yeah they can't find extra hours for me but they can hire someone completely different.
Adam has left work because no one bothered to talk to him about the job and they basically just gave the job to Tom. I met Adam in my first week or work and I'll miss him.
It just seemed like a week where everyone got on with their lives and mine just stagnated even more.
You can tell I'm not a happy bunny when I haven't even read the new Fairy Tail chapter!
Today I took a positive step forward in my life though by registering with Pertemps to see if I can get some temp jobs or something and just disappear from this job. Me and David also put our name down for a housing to see if we can get an affordable flat in the future.
But all in all I've had a pretty meh week. Just meh.
14 September 2013
One Piece : Because of Dreams
Chapter 57
So we finally find out why Zeff is so important to Sanji....
What is in their past?!
So we finally find out why Zeff is so important to Sanji....
What is in their past?!
One Piece : As If
Chapter 56
So Gin has a gun to Zeffs head, I do not like him no I don't!
So Gin has a gun to Zeffs head, I do not like him no I don't!
Monkey D. Luffy,
One Piece,
One Piece : Jungle Blood
Chapter 55
So the fight is on!
We have Krieg still yet to board the floating restaurant and Iron Wall Pearl standing in their way.
Lets get it on!
So the fight is on!
We have Krieg still yet to board the floating restaurant and Iron Wall Pearl standing in their way.
Lets get it on!
One Piece : Pearl
Chapter 54
So this is it. The big fight starts! Save the floating restaurant!
So this is it. The big fight starts! Save the floating restaurant!
One Piece : Sabagashira No.1
Chapter 53
So Zoro and Usopp are after Nami after Zoro was defeated, Mihawk has left and Krieg is back to trying to commander the restaurant at sea.
Good times!
So Zoro and Usopp are after Nami after Zoro was defeated, Mihawk has left and Krieg is back to trying to commander the restaurant at sea.
Good times!
12 September 2013
Why Matt Smith DESERVES Christmas...
What? What does this mysterious title mean?!
Well what I mean by it is simple.
A lot of people who are fed up of Matt's time want him gone in the 50th. A few people who aren't fed up of him want him gone in the 50th.
They aren't being nasty about it (well one or two are) but they are determined they want that last crucial episode before we have to wait half a year or so for another be the 12th Doctors and not the 11th Doctors.
Well you all know I love Matt but that isn't really the reason I want him to leave at Christmas.
Lets face it the 50th is an unknown BUT we DO know that DAVID TENNANT (one of the most iconic Doctors) is back and JOHN HURT (one of the greatest actors around) is in it. We know it is a blockbuster, we know it is going to be grand. And wouldn't a regeneration top it off?
David Tennant WAS a popular Doctor who got TWO episodes to say goodbye in, even Christopher Eccleston didn't need to share his goodbye episode. Matt is a well loved Doctor and his fans deserve not to have his regeneration lopped onto the end of a action packed 90 minute (hopefully) episode full of David Tennant, Rose Tyler and John Hurt.
Now will I be angry if he regenerates in the 50th or at the beginning of Christmas?
Not really, I'm as excited as anyone to see what Capaldi will bring.
I'll be upset, a little disappointed and even more not ready to say goodbye to Matt. But I wouldn't go and burn down headquarters or throw away any Doctor Who merch I own.
I guess my real gripe is people so EAGER and forgetting what it is like to lose a Doctor. Maybe you didn't know your fav in the classic series was leaving, we know that Matt is and we don't want him to share his big goodbye with other people.
That might be selfish of us but to be honest.... We are allowed to be selfish. And we are allowed to be upset to see the end of our Doctor being shared with an assembled cast (so far announced, could be more) that will overshadow his departure.
Though I am torn.
It could be a great ending.........
We'll see what happens!
Well what I mean by it is simple.
A lot of people who are fed up of Matt's time want him gone in the 50th. A few people who aren't fed up of him want him gone in the 50th.
They aren't being nasty about it (well one or two are) but they are determined they want that last crucial episode before we have to wait half a year or so for another be the 12th Doctors and not the 11th Doctors.
Well you all know I love Matt but that isn't really the reason I want him to leave at Christmas.
Lets face it the 50th is an unknown BUT we DO know that DAVID TENNANT (one of the most iconic Doctors) is back and JOHN HURT (one of the greatest actors around) is in it. We know it is a blockbuster, we know it is going to be grand. And wouldn't a regeneration top it off?
David Tennant WAS a popular Doctor who got TWO episodes to say goodbye in, even Christopher Eccleston didn't need to share his goodbye episode. Matt is a well loved Doctor and his fans deserve not to have his regeneration lopped onto the end of a action packed 90 minute (hopefully) episode full of David Tennant, Rose Tyler and John Hurt.
Now will I be angry if he regenerates in the 50th or at the beginning of Christmas?
Not really, I'm as excited as anyone to see what Capaldi will bring.
I'll be upset, a little disappointed and even more not ready to say goodbye to Matt. But I wouldn't go and burn down headquarters or throw away any Doctor Who merch I own.
I guess my real gripe is people so EAGER and forgetting what it is like to lose a Doctor. Maybe you didn't know your fav in the classic series was leaving, we know that Matt is and we don't want him to share his big goodbye with other people.
That might be selfish of us but to be honest.... We are allowed to be selfish. And we are allowed to be upset to see the end of our Doctor being shared with an assembled cast (so far announced, could be more) that will overshadow his departure.
Though I am torn.
It could be a great ending.........
We'll see what happens!
Kiniro Mosaic : The Wonderful Five
Episode 10
Last week there was a sleepover, the morning after Aya thought she'd been mean to Yoko and spent the whole episode trying to be more like Karen just to find out that Yoko had never been mad in the first place!
Last week there was a sleepover, the morning after Aya thought she'd been mean to Yoko and spent the whole episode trying to be more like Karen just to find out that Yoko had never been mad in the first place!
10 September 2013
WataMote : Since I'm not popular, Secon Term is Starting
Lament 10
Back to school we go! After a miserable summer break Tomoko is off to school.
Back to school we go! After a miserable summer break Tomoko is off to school.
Thinking of a way out...
Well most of the people who have put up with my moaning know I'm having troubled times at work recently so I've spent most of my free time on sick leave looking for a new job and looking for something different.
I really want to travel, I know my photography and writing skills suck to I won't be able to get into a travel job that way.
I guess you'd have to be real lucky to get onto one of the big cruises and even then I've heard staff have no time to get away from the boat anyway.
Other than that it seems you have to be in childcare or able to finance getting somewhere, getting to know the place and becoming a tour guide... Or becoming and English teacher which is a no-no for me as I can hardly hear what people say to me at the best of times!
Failing traveling I wanted to work with animals but the only zoo's close to me will be a pain to get to. Paignton is at least 2 hours away and 2 buses or a bus and 2 trains, Newquay is a bus and a train and about 2 hours away, Living Coast is the same and Dartmoor doesn't really have any transport from Plymouth other than one bus that is irregular at the best of times!
Pet shops... I've been looking but there never seems to be an opening.
I don't even care if I moved away and ended up working in an office in London or something! But that would mean having money to move and I don't earn half enough to do that.
When you get turned down for everything from pushing trolleys in ASDA to underpaid office jobs it isn't exactly easy to get away.
The big problem for me is I have a feeling they are trying to get rid of me now at work, our manager has officially left and they are also looking for another part time member of staff with one more hour then I have (it might sound silly but I've been begging for two hours for years as it takes me up to at least 16!)
I just wish I had some sort of skill! I envy people who do. I thought once upon a time I could write but I really can't, I love taking photos but they are usually blurred and pointless... My sister always seems to be able to exceed in whatever she wants to do WHEN she wants to do it yet I turn my mind onto things and I fail every time. I mean Miss Getting-Pregnant-at-16 is now learning how to drive as she earns double the amount I do in a month, she keeps rubbing it in as well! She's changed her mind about her future about a million times before and after she gave birth but she finds it so easy to get into courses and with her being on benefits she usually gets it all funded anyway whilst I have to pay.
Don't tell me she works for these things because I live with her and can tell you honestly she does shit all most of the day but be a bad mother and ignore all the pets she brought purely because she thought it would make the council give her a house!
Just for once I'd like SOMETHING to go my way. Full time hours on a temporary or permanent basis. If it is just temporary fine because I can save up, get the experience and move away to London or something! Just a little, or in my case going from 14 to anything over 20 hours, extra money so I COULD learn to drive or even learn a new language, splash out on a course that might mean I could move into a better area. Just something!
Any ideas on ways to even just make a small amount of extra money would be helpful! I thought about adding adsense to the blog but I doubt I'd get anything. I'd love to earn just a little bit so next year I could go abroad on holiday and maybe see if I could do a travel blog on the side! I'd love to do anything!
So readers help! Any ideas what a really under talented, bog standard, too shy to talk to people geek could do in lovely Plymouth? (England)
I really want to travel, I know my photography and writing skills suck to I won't be able to get into a travel job that way.
I guess you'd have to be real lucky to get onto one of the big cruises and even then I've heard staff have no time to get away from the boat anyway.
Other than that it seems you have to be in childcare or able to finance getting somewhere, getting to know the place and becoming a tour guide... Or becoming and English teacher which is a no-no for me as I can hardly hear what people say to me at the best of times!
Failing traveling I wanted to work with animals but the only zoo's close to me will be a pain to get to. Paignton is at least 2 hours away and 2 buses or a bus and 2 trains, Newquay is a bus and a train and about 2 hours away, Living Coast is the same and Dartmoor doesn't really have any transport from Plymouth other than one bus that is irregular at the best of times!
Pet shops... I've been looking but there never seems to be an opening.
I don't even care if I moved away and ended up working in an office in London or something! But that would mean having money to move and I don't earn half enough to do that.
When you get turned down for everything from pushing trolleys in ASDA to underpaid office jobs it isn't exactly easy to get away.
The big problem for me is I have a feeling they are trying to get rid of me now at work, our manager has officially left and they are also looking for another part time member of staff with one more hour then I have (it might sound silly but I've been begging for two hours for years as it takes me up to at least 16!)
I just wish I had some sort of skill! I envy people who do. I thought once upon a time I could write but I really can't, I love taking photos but they are usually blurred and pointless... My sister always seems to be able to exceed in whatever she wants to do WHEN she wants to do it yet I turn my mind onto things and I fail every time. I mean Miss Getting-Pregnant-at-16 is now learning how to drive as she earns double the amount I do in a month, she keeps rubbing it in as well! She's changed her mind about her future about a million times before and after she gave birth but she finds it so easy to get into courses and with her being on benefits she usually gets it all funded anyway whilst I have to pay.
Don't tell me she works for these things because I live with her and can tell you honestly she does shit all most of the day but be a bad mother and ignore all the pets she brought purely because she thought it would make the council give her a house!
Just for once I'd like SOMETHING to go my way. Full time hours on a temporary or permanent basis. If it is just temporary fine because I can save up, get the experience and move away to London or something! Just a little, or in my case going from 14 to anything over 20 hours, extra money so I COULD learn to drive or even learn a new language, splash out on a course that might mean I could move into a better area. Just something!
Any ideas on ways to even just make a small amount of extra money would be helpful! I thought about adding adsense to the blog but I doubt I'd get anything. I'd love to earn just a little bit so next year I could go abroad on holiday and maybe see if I could do a travel blog on the side! I'd love to do anything!
So readers help! Any ideas what a really under talented, bog standard, too shy to talk to people geek could do in lovely Plymouth? (England)
Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou : A Dog by Chance is Preordained
Episode 11
Well we now know who the mysterious stalker is, why they were stalking Natsuno and who the mystery writer is. We also have a new torture implement.
What next?
Well we now know who the mysterious stalker is, why they were stalking Natsuno and who the mystery writer is. We also have a new torture implement.
What next?
Uchouten Kazoku : Behind the scenes of Ebisugawa Soun
Episode 10
Well the fight for the new Nise-emon is on! COME ON YAICHIRO!
Well the fight for the new Nise-emon is on! COME ON YAICHIRO!
9 September 2013
Makai Ouji : Devils and Realists : Another battle -as an intermission-
Episode 10
Heaven has invaded Hell with Jeanne (Joan of Arc) leading the armies.
She ended up in battle with Camio, no idea how it ended but after a battle with Kevin, Raguel and Dantalion (yes Angels AND a Demon) Gilles de Rais goes in search for the saint to.... Force her out of her Ecstasy.
Yes it is as grim as it sounds, but Ecstasy doesn't sound that nice as well, it basically makes you a puppet of the angels...
Heaven has invaded Hell with Jeanne (Joan of Arc) leading the armies.
She ended up in battle with Camio, no idea how it ended but after a battle with Kevin, Raguel and Dantalion (yes Angels AND a Demon) Gilles de Rais goes in search for the saint to.... Force her out of her Ecstasy.
Yes it is as grim as it sounds, but Ecstasy doesn't sound that nice as well, it basically makes you a puppet of the angels...
8 September 2013
Blood Lad : The dark hero rises (FINAL EPISODE)
Episode 10
So this is it... The finale... The end.... The big finish...
How will it all end?
So this is it... The finale... The end.... The big finish...
How will it all end?
Gin no Saji : Hachiken Rides a Horse
Episode 2
So don't dispair my readers! I know I'm late with this blog as well but I've just been told possibly in the winter season this anime has a season 2! So catching up now means that if that is true then I'll be ready for that season to come out and be better at it!
I really loved the uniqueness that this series promises and it is a subject close to my own heart. I love animals.
Sooooo lets get started on the recap?!
So don't dispair my readers! I know I'm late with this blog as well but I've just been told possibly in the winter season this anime has a season 2! So catching up now means that if that is true then I'll be ready for that season to come out and be better at it!
I really loved the uniqueness that this series promises and it is a subject close to my own heart. I love animals.
Sooooo lets get started on the recap?!
Servant x Service : Everyone Has Close Calls. Learn from them and Keep the Workplace Healthy
Episode 5
Could well be the last blog I write on this series.....
Lets hope not hey?
(Not that it really matters as I missed so bloody many of them at the time and am catching up!)
Could well be the last blog I write on this series.....
Lets hope not hey?
(Not that it really matters as I missed so bloody many of them at the time and am catching up!)
Servant x Service : Beware of Next Week's Unseen Danger
Episode 4
Last episode Hasebe failed to attain Yamagami's e-mail address as much as he tried.
He had the perfect opportunity too!
Silly boy.
Last episode Hasebe failed to attain Yamagami's e-mail address as much as he tried.
He had the perfect opportunity too!
Silly boy.
Servant x Service : Don't Neglect the Safety of You or Your Workplace
Episode 3
Last episode we met Ichimaya's little sister Toko and tried to help Miyoshi get over her problems removing time consuming customers!
What awaits our civil servant friends (plus Toko) next?!
Last episode we met Ichimaya's little sister Toko and tried to help Miyoshi get over her problems removing time consuming customers!
What awaits our civil servant friends (plus Toko) next?!
Servant x Service : Don't Panic, Make a Scene, or Throw Away Your Job
Episode 2
Just so you know...
A week or so ago I posted a review for episode two... It wasn't until later I realized it was actually episode three and I managed to miss it. It did get deleted without many people actually seeing it.
SOOOOO this will actually be the real review for episode 2 and I did double check!
Just so you know...
A week or so ago I posted a review for episode two... It wasn't until later I realized it was actually episode three and I managed to miss it. It did get deleted without many people actually seeing it.
SOOOOO this will actually be the real review for episode 2 and I did double check!
Free! : Hesitant Loosen Up!
Episode 9
The only thing that matters....
Did we win our heat? Are we going to regional's?!
The only thing that matters....
Did we win our heat? Are we going to regional's?!
Free! : Revenge in the Medley!
Episode 8
Ohhh no! Haru has lost in the heats, to Rin of all people.
Sad times, sad times....
How will the rest fare?!
Ohhh no! Haru has lost in the heats, to Rin of all people.
Sad times, sad times....
How will the rest fare?!
Free! : One Style Final!
Episode 7
Sorry for the delay!
So last time the boys all ended up stranded for the night after Rei got trapped in the middle of a storm, we found out the sad story of Mako's fisherman and why he's afraid of the ocean.
In the end though what a sweet story we got, such a magical episode!
Lets hope this weeks (whoops) is just as good.
Sorry for the delay!
So last time the boys all ended up stranded for the night after Rei got trapped in the middle of a storm, we found out the sad story of Mako's fisherman and why he's afraid of the ocean.
In the end though what a sweet story we got, such a magical episode!
Lets hope this weeks (whoops) is just as good.
7 September 2013
DANGANRONPA : The Animation : Dash Towards the Youthful Junk Food of Despair (Not) Normal Arc
Episode 10
A lesson to us all last week when we found the truth of Oogami/Ohgami's death. She killed herself to stop in-fighting, the lesson is get along and you'll survive.
Right there, the only real decent character taking her own life so the others can work together!
Ohh and let us not forget the name of Ikusaba Mukuro, the Super Duper High School Despair!
A lesson to us all last week when we found the truth of Oogami/Ohgami's death. She killed herself to stop in-fighting, the lesson is get along and you'll survive.
Right there, the only real decent character taking her own life so the others can work together!
Ohh and let us not forget the name of Ikusaba Mukuro, the Super Duper High School Despair!
6 September 2013
Fairy Tail : Gray v Doriate
Chapter 350
The non-human Doriarte has been defeated by a de-powered Gray, all three Fairy Tail members (Erza and Natsu as well obviously) have been repowered and entered their own body once more.
But for Gray that doesn't mean much as we found out the true nature of Doriate...
He is a demon from the book of Zaref and he is angry!
The non-human Doriarte has been defeated by a de-powered Gray, all three Fairy Tail members (Erza and Natsu as well obviously) have been repowered and entered their own body once more.
But for Gray that doesn't mean much as we found out the true nature of Doriate...
He is a demon from the book of Zaref and he is angry!
Daniel Ricciardo to Red Bull.... Thoughts?
So I'm a little late on this post due to personal reasons but thought I'd share my thoughts on Ricciardo replacing Webber at Red Bull.
First off I agree it is BRILLIANT news for Daniel! I am really chuffed for him, the team will be a great place to show his worth in one of the best cars.
The questions I have are basically this...
Will he get a car to match his skill?
Will he get the chance to show any skill?
Have they chosen a driver purely to be the doormat of Vettel?
I don't mean that in a negative way against Vettel, it happens with all big teams.
At the beginning of the season you aim for the constructors championship and ONE DRIVER to win the drivers championship. Now you can be fair to a point and I believe sometimes all the teams DO do that. If Webber or Massa beat Alonso and Vettel constantly up until the half way point I do think they'd be supported. Personally for Massa the only real team order I've seen with him was when he was pretty much (bar like 1 or 2 points) out of the championship and didn't look like he was going to recover other than in that one race. Webber there is more of a grey area I agree.
Thing is Vettel is their golden boy and we know from McLaren 07 that keeping your "big" name happy is important else you'll all lose out and be in the middle of quite a childish feud between your drivers.
Do I believe Webber or Ricciardo are below Vettel?
They might not be as talented naturally but both are great drivers, I love Webber and think he's been unfortunate a lot of his career but I won't deny that Vettel is naturally much more talented. In fact Vettel, Alonso, Raikkonen and Hamilton (along with Kubica *sigh*) are probably THE most talented drivers naturally in our sport (or who should be here but isn't.... Sadly) at the moment.
Thing is they all have strengths and weaknesses as drivers and obviously the Webbers, Buttons and Perezs of the world have their strengths and on their day can beat the others as easy as they like.
Do we really believe Ricciardo is going to be challenging, or even allowed to really challenge?
Well for point B possibly, I won't judge Red Bull on their current relationship with Webber.
Point A I'm fully prepared to admit that Daniel might have to work a little harder than Vettel to win but I think he could.
So I might be happy, VERY happy for Daniel but for the people telling others this is the best move for him and we as his fans should be grateful......
I'll rather wait and see!
First off I agree it is BRILLIANT news for Daniel! I am really chuffed for him, the team will be a great place to show his worth in one of the best cars.
The questions I have are basically this...
Will he get a car to match his skill?
Will he get the chance to show any skill?
Have they chosen a driver purely to be the doormat of Vettel?
I don't mean that in a negative way against Vettel, it happens with all big teams.
At the beginning of the season you aim for the constructors championship and ONE DRIVER to win the drivers championship. Now you can be fair to a point and I believe sometimes all the teams DO do that. If Webber or Massa beat Alonso and Vettel constantly up until the half way point I do think they'd be supported. Personally for Massa the only real team order I've seen with him was when he was pretty much (bar like 1 or 2 points) out of the championship and didn't look like he was going to recover other than in that one race. Webber there is more of a grey area I agree.
Thing is Vettel is their golden boy and we know from McLaren 07 that keeping your "big" name happy is important else you'll all lose out and be in the middle of quite a childish feud between your drivers.
Do I believe Webber or Ricciardo are below Vettel?
They might not be as talented naturally but both are great drivers, I love Webber and think he's been unfortunate a lot of his career but I won't deny that Vettel is naturally much more talented. In fact Vettel, Alonso, Raikkonen and Hamilton (along with Kubica *sigh*) are probably THE most talented drivers naturally in our sport (or who should be here but isn't.... Sadly) at the moment.
Thing is they all have strengths and weaknesses as drivers and obviously the Webbers, Buttons and Perezs of the world have their strengths and on their day can beat the others as easy as they like.
Do we really believe Ricciardo is going to be challenging, or even allowed to really challenge?
Well for point B possibly, I won't judge Red Bull on their current relationship with Webber.
Point A I'm fully prepared to admit that Daniel might have to work a little harder than Vettel to win but I think he could.
So I might be happy, VERY happy for Daniel but for the people telling others this is the best move for him and we as his fans should be grateful......
I'll rather wait and see!
3 September 2013
WataMote : Since I'm Not Popular, Summer is Ending
Lament 9
A failed visit from a younger cousin later and Summer break is nearly at an end!
Lets hope something better happens for Tomoko!
A failed visit from a younger cousin later and Summer break is nearly at an end!
Lets hope something better happens for Tomoko!
Watamote : Since I'm Not Popular I'll Put on Airs
Lament 8
So.... Summer break....
We had to giggle at "You sow, you stink! Not really! Just kidding! Your hair smells great, Tomoko! And it's so smooth! I love you!"
Then when she tried to put it into the sound files of her game and her mother overheard the conversation she made.......... We all cringed for her.
But the saddest part was having to BRIBE her brother (who as a baby wanted to marry big sister) into watching her set off sparklers in the back garden...
So.... Summer break....
We had to giggle at "You sow, you stink! Not really! Just kidding! Your hair smells great, Tomoko! And it's so smooth! I love you!"
Then when she tried to put it into the sound files of her game and her mother overheard the conversation she made.......... We all cringed for her.
But the saddest part was having to BRIBE her brother (who as a baby wanted to marry big sister) into watching her set off sparklers in the back garden...
DANGANRONPA : The Animation : All All, Apologies Not Normal Arc
Episode 9
Last episode was very sad, we found out the story of Oogami who sided with Monokuma but changed her mind, later on in the episode after there had been fighting with Genocider and Asahina we found Oogami dead in a locked room.
Personally I say suicide, her job was to kill someone if it got quiet, it was a locked room and I don't think any of the people there could manage to kill someone in a locked room, not only that there was a smashed bottle of what could have been acid/poison like Oogami warned Asahina about when they unlocked the new floor.
But that is just me....
Last episode was very sad, we found out the story of Oogami who sided with Monokuma but changed her mind, later on in the episode after there had been fighting with Genocider and Asahina we found Oogami dead in a locked room.
Personally I say suicide, her job was to kill someone if it got quiet, it was a locked room and I don't think any of the people there could manage to kill someone in a locked room, not only that there was a smashed bottle of what could have been acid/poison like Oogami warned Asahina about when they unlocked the new floor.
But that is just me....
Kiniro Mosiac : Who isn't sleeping?
Episode 9
Last episode we had the fun of the school festival. Good times all around!
Last episode we had the fun of the school festival. Good times all around!
Kiniro Mosiac : What day is it today?
Episode 8
To be honest I can't remember what our friends were up to last time out but that is the wonders of this show, I can come back now and it won't matter as much as some of the others that I don't know because this week we'll have an adventure (or two) regardless of whether I remember the last one!
To be honest I can't remember what our friends were up to last time out but that is the wonders of this show, I can come back now and it won't matter as much as some of the others that I don't know because this week we'll have an adventure (or two) regardless of whether I remember the last one!
Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou : Time flies like a Dog
Chapter 10
So the stalker has been punished, we are off to see his daughter who is a new writer and seems to be the one actually attacking Natsuno.
We've ended up at Harumi's old high school where Ami finds him in the Library looking at some sort of manuscript!
What exactly could go wrong?
So the stalker has been punished, we are off to see his daughter who is a new writer and seems to be the one actually attacking Natsuno.
We've ended up at Harumi's old high school where Ami finds him in the Library looking at some sort of manuscript!
What exactly could go wrong?
Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou : There is no smoke without Dog
Chapter 9
All those weeks ago we were visiting the "Holy Land of Blades" and saw Natsuno's plans to spend a romantic weekend with Harumi fail.
Poor thing!
All those weeks ago we were visiting the "Holy Land of Blades" and saw Natsuno's plans to spend a romantic weekend with Harumi fail.
Poor thing!
Uchouten Kazoku : Kaisei, Daughter of Ebisugawa
Episode 9
Please read my last blog again if you want a review of what happened. Tears. That is all.
Please read my last blog again if you want a review of what happened. Tears. That is all.
Uchouten Kazoku : The Day of dad's departure
Episode 8
Sorry for the wait!
Two weeks ago now we found out that Yajiro was with their father the day he died and left him at a bar, turns out Yajiro was a bit of a drunk before he became a frog at the bottom of a well.
Fast approaching the vote for the new Nice-emon, can Yaichiro overcome the Ebisugawa's?
Sorry for the wait!
Two weeks ago now we found out that Yajiro was with their father the day he died and left him at a bar, turns out Yajiro was a bit of a drunk before he became a frog at the bottom of a well.
Fast approaching the vote for the new Nice-emon, can Yaichiro overcome the Ebisugawa's?
Makai Ouji : Devils and Realist : Vice and virginity
Episode 9
Things were hotting up last week.
The angel Michael was causing havoc for William and threatening Ecstasy on him. Not only this we get the news from Baalberith that Lucifer might be on the brink of fading completely.
Shame we can't say the same for Michael, bloody stupid angel.
These turns of event have lead Lady Astaroth wanting to bring William to hell to keep him safe.
How will that work out for them?
Things were hotting up last week.
The angel Michael was causing havoc for William and threatening Ecstasy on him. Not only this we get the news from Baalberith that Lucifer might be on the brink of fading completely.
Shame we can't say the same for Michael, bloody stupid angel.
These turns of event have lead Lady Astaroth wanting to bring William to hell to keep him safe.
How will that work out for them?
Blood Lad : Sins of the Eyeglass
Episode 9
Last week Braz was dragged off by the Apocrolis Police to see the King Wolf-Daddy.
Meanwhile we find out that Fuyumi has been kidnapped by Hydrabells brother to go and see Mummy. She doesn't look to be in my trouble with Hydraknell but after beating Bell at her own game Staz is on his way!
Last week Braz was dragged off by the Apocrolis Police to see the King Wolf-Daddy.
Meanwhile we find out that Fuyumi has been kidnapped by Hydrabells brother to go and see Mummy. She doesn't look to be in my trouble with Hydraknell but after beating Bell at her own game Staz is on his way!
Blood Lad,
Fuyumi Yanagi,
Hydra Knell,
1 September 2013
Tattoo's... Still a big deal?
So recently the tattoo debate has came up again.
My first reaction is why?
As far as I know tattoo's have been accepted in society and I'm not sure why they wouldn't be, I mean you don't make a big deal over someones hair style (maybe colour) or their body size so why are tattoo's any different? I've seen some ridiculous hairstyles that if I came up against the person wearing it I might at first think "here we go" but quickly remember that it is the person under the hair that matters not what they do to it (I can hardly speak seeing mine is usually a mess!)
For me tattoo's are just that... Something someones decided to have done, just like a piercing. Nothing important about them other than to that person.
A lot of the people I know have at least one and two or three of the people I care about the most in this world have tattoo's. My friend Pete has them all over and so does my friend Leigha, another friend called Kelli has at least one that she had done to support her favorite F1 driver. All three of them are the nicest, kindest, most caring and gentle people I know. So what they have a tattoos? What is so bad about it?
Now personally I don't like tattoo's, some look great, others look tacky, my sisters looks terrible and I've told her that. But my dislike means I'll never get one, I can look at others and think "actually that looks alright" or "OMG what where they thinking?" but I'd never sit there and judge the actual person on their tattoos!
It just isn't that big a deal and we need to shake off the whole thing that seems to keep cropping up about them. Now it isn't that weird to have a tattoo, I really don't get why people act like it is such a taboo subject when actually a lot of people are just used to tattoo's in everyday life one way or the other.
At the end of the day if you are a thug, a nasty piece of work or a evil bitch you are going to be one with or without a tattoo.
If you won't employ someone because of their tattoo because you are worried what other people think then you are just as bad as those people. Maybe you should hire them if they are the best person for that job and challenge the idea that if you have a tattoo you might be something to sneer at?
I don't get why we still need to have a debate over tattoo's just get over it already!
My first reaction is why?
As far as I know tattoo's have been accepted in society and I'm not sure why they wouldn't be, I mean you don't make a big deal over someones hair style (maybe colour) or their body size so why are tattoo's any different? I've seen some ridiculous hairstyles that if I came up against the person wearing it I might at first think "here we go" but quickly remember that it is the person under the hair that matters not what they do to it (I can hardly speak seeing mine is usually a mess!)
For me tattoo's are just that... Something someones decided to have done, just like a piercing. Nothing important about them other than to that person.
A lot of the people I know have at least one and two or three of the people I care about the most in this world have tattoo's. My friend Pete has them all over and so does my friend Leigha, another friend called Kelli has at least one that she had done to support her favorite F1 driver. All three of them are the nicest, kindest, most caring and gentle people I know. So what they have a tattoos? What is so bad about it?
Now personally I don't like tattoo's, some look great, others look tacky, my sisters looks terrible and I've told her that. But my dislike means I'll never get one, I can look at others and think "actually that looks alright" or "OMG what where they thinking?" but I'd never sit there and judge the actual person on their tattoos!
It just isn't that big a deal and we need to shake off the whole thing that seems to keep cropping up about them. Now it isn't that weird to have a tattoo, I really don't get why people act like it is such a taboo subject when actually a lot of people are just used to tattoo's in everyday life one way or the other.
At the end of the day if you are a thug, a nasty piece of work or a evil bitch you are going to be one with or without a tattoo.
If you won't employ someone because of their tattoo because you are worried what other people think then you are just as bad as those people. Maybe you should hire them if they are the best person for that job and challenge the idea that if you have a tattoo you might be something to sneer at?
I don't get why we still need to have a debate over tattoo's just get over it already!
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