10 September 2013

Uchouten Kazoku : Behind the scenes of Ebisugawa Soun

Episode 10

Well the fight for the new Nise-emon is on! COME ON YAICHIRO!


Yasaburo tells us about how the Nise-emon is the opposite of normal Tanuki behaviour, Tanuki are laid back and let the world go by but the Nise-emon is the one that sorts the problems out when they arrive (I have a feeling that Ebisugawa is trying to become Nise-emon just for the power!)

Whilst he tells us this and also that the date they'll chose the next Nise-emon is the anniversary of his fathers death, therefore the day the Friday Fellows have their end of year bash, we see basically Ebisugawa bribing people with his electric brandy.... Oh and Benten looking scary...

We have a serious conversation with Yaichiro and Yasaburo about Nise-emon, Yaichiro really wants it and thinks he is ready. He admits he wants to follow in his fathers footsteps is that really a bad thing though?

So the youngest brother is being bossed around by the idiot twins and gets locked into a warehouse, well he was stupid enough to go in and give them his phone! Turns out their plan is to kidnap the whole family! I have a feeling someone is going to give one of the family to the Friday Fellows!

Yasaburo goes to see Froggy and give him some chicken. "A frog on a universal level" I love the frog. I also totally agree with Yasaburo that it feels like something bad is going to happen, and it seems someone has found, and is using Bentens old fan!

Well it is Yaichiro that is caught.... Probably by the Friday Fellows.... I'm hoping not....

Yep they want to boil Yaichiro in a hot pot. And it turns out that it was Ebisugawa that got their dad caught too. I'm already so angry it is unbelievable, you do not know how much I want to hurt Ebisugawa! Turns out Keisei ended up with her father on the night, pretending to be some kind of box and witnessed it all.

Ebisugawa is just a jealous and horrible git. He used Benten because he knew that Soichiro couldn't stay in human form around her. Such a horrible, miserable man. Oh I'm so angry but I'm also so sad.

After Keisei finishes her tale they surround Yasaburo.

Will he escape?

We'll only find out next week!

I keep having to tell myself this is only a anime because its so real to me, it had me in tears of anger and sadness. Anger at what Ebisugawa did and sadness because we had to see it happen and see what he's doing and I'm so worried for Yaichiro and he doesn't care that Mother is scared of the lightning, her astrapophobia means she needs to be looked after not just snatched. How could anyone just be so cruel?

And its all out of jealousy!

He didn't need to do this or cook his nephew in a hotpot he is just a horrible and evil man and I really just... Hope he gets eaten instead! Or one of his horrid sons!

Yajiro needs to get his butt out of his well and go and help his family!

As for Benten... I can't stand that girl I don't want anything more to do with her she's just miserably horrible. I bet she gave her fan to the Ebisugawa just for the heck of it!

The episode was great though, to make me rage about the characters afterwards in such a way you can see how good the show was.

It is beautiful as always and perfectly plays on your emotions. Many films and TV shows should watch and learn because this is a masterpiece and I can't give it any higher praise. I know I'm a nobody on the internet and the people who wrote and made this show, everyone who worked on it, probably will never read this but really they just made a perfect show.

The characters magically transform from raccoon to human yet they are majorly more realistic then half the characters in most of the shows I watch.

I'm just so angry I want to reach in and slap Ebisugawa and anyone who works with him because this is horrid! It is totally the opposite of what a Tanuki should be, it isn't in their nature to be twisted and horrible. I really wish we'd got a season with Soichiro because he seemed like such a lovely character and I cry thinking of what this terrible excuse for a Tanuki did to him. And because of what?

Well if he wants to be as loved as his brother that'll never happen, he's a cold hearted miserable git who acts all elitist for no reason other than he thinks he's better then people but he isn't! He's nothing more than a murderer and worse then that he murdered his own brother! In cold blood! Purely so he could be the one people liked more!

Now I really do hope ANY of the brothers beat him in any election he might be in.

I could rage till the sun rises (its midnight) and still not be over.

Though I'm just so angry because I know what it is like to have astrapophobia, it is horrible and she's vulnerable and she hasn't done anything wrong! Yashiro did nothing wrong either. And why cook Yaichiro in a pot? He can bribe all the people he wants why go through the bother of murdering another of your family?

That character is deplorable!

I so hope that next episode they get their comeuppance! I just... GAHH!

Brilliant episode and I hope the people that write this, animate it, choose the music, voice it all know that they are superstars and this has been probably the greatest and most underrated classic I've ever seen in anything. It could possibly be the most subtle drama I've ever laid eyes on! It isn't always the best but the end result is a family so vivid in your mind that you actually want to harm anyone that harms them!

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