So recently the tattoo debate has came up again.
My first reaction is why?
As far as I know tattoo's have been accepted in society and I'm not sure why they wouldn't be, I mean you don't make a big deal over someones hair style (maybe colour) or their body size so why are tattoo's any different? I've seen some ridiculous hairstyles that if I came up against the person wearing it I might at first think "here we go" but quickly remember that it is the person under the hair that matters not what they do to it (I can hardly speak seeing mine is usually a mess!)
For me tattoo's are just that... Something someones decided to have done, just like a piercing. Nothing important about them other than to that person.
A lot of the people I know have at least one and two or three of the people I care about the most in this world have tattoo's. My friend Pete has them all over and so does my friend Leigha, another friend called Kelli has at least one that she had done to support her favorite F1 driver. All three of them are the nicest, kindest, most caring and gentle people I know. So what they have a tattoos? What is so bad about it?
Now personally I don't like tattoo's, some look great, others look tacky, my sisters looks terrible and I've told her that. But my dislike means I'll never get one, I can look at others and think "actually that looks alright" or "OMG what where they thinking?" but I'd never sit there and judge the actual person on their tattoos!
It just isn't that big a deal and we need to shake off the whole thing that seems to keep cropping up about them. Now it isn't that weird to have a tattoo, I really don't get why people act like it is such a taboo subject when actually a lot of people are just used to tattoo's in everyday life one way or the other.
At the end of the day if you are a thug, a nasty piece of work or a evil bitch you are going to be one with or without a tattoo.
If you won't employ someone because of their tattoo because you are worried what other people think then you are just as bad as those people. Maybe you should hire them if they are the best person for that job and challenge the idea that if you have a tattoo you might be something to sneer at?
I don't get why we still need to have a debate over tattoo's just get over it already!
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