14 September 2013

One Piece : Pearl

Chapter 54

So this is it. The big fight starts! Save the floating restaurant!


So Patty and the other gobby cook are fine after being kicked away by Sanji, and they are ready to fight for the ship when suddenly Krieg's 2nd Division Commander Iron Wall Pearl appears.

Wow what a stupid looking guy! Really tall with a "iron wall" which is basically a giant shield!

Sanji stops some idiot from stealing Patty's knife and it looks like he now means REAL business!

Whilst we get a personal bragging masterpiece by Iron wall Pearl Krieg breaks the whatever it was that Luffy was holding onto. Don't forget he can't swim!

So whilst Sanji kicks Pearls shield forward, Luffy comes crashing into the back of Pearl's head and they draw blood. This doesn't look good!

Well... Is Sanji related to Zeff? He kicks like Zeff was meant to be able to. I think that would be interesting and it would probably be another reason why he'd want Sanji to go away, after all if he was a captain then he'd probably want his son to see the world as well right?

I'm off target aren't I?!

Pearl is pretty good isn't he? I quite like the whole shield thing though I would be interested to see what he looks like without all the shields, I'm guessing his body is strangely elongated.

So this is the first of Kriegs main hence men, good start really. He might not be the coolest looking character but he is pretty awesome. I will be interested to see his fighting style as I'm guessing drawing blood is going to make him psycho?

We can hope!

I liked the chapter it made me teary once more hearing the cooks talk about the restaurant but also to see how much they really do care. I mean they might be rude and rough but they are looking out for each other.

This story is going back to being really on the ball, I did feel that the Mihawk stuff slowed it down but now we are getting on with it. I can't wait to see Don Krieg fighting but I'm really looking forward to seeing Pearl fight!

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