16 December 2013

Coppelion : Life

Episode 5

Back to searching the city we go as the Professor and Granny are saved by the ever forgiving Vice Principal.

More crying to come it seems...



Or dream.

Not a very long one at that.

So the girls are off looking for survivors, the Vice Principal is staying put for a while and they are doing their best to contain the waste in the pool.

The girls find an overturned vehicle with a pregnant women in the back. Yes another daughter that they need to save *yawn* and it seems that someone has a tank!

Wow if that is the bad guy he's freakin' cool! Apparently they are the 1st Division. When the accident happened people trying to escape caused traffic jams and people died waiting to leave, people left behind (like the survivors) were alright and the 1st Division went to save them but were thought to be wiped out. What turned them against life... Well its probably the radiation but the head guy is AWESOME!

Ibuki is the pregnant women and they seem to be being saved by someone called the Foreman (sorry missed her dads name!) Taeko it seems has been injured trying to help Ibuki.

Now THIS is the Ibara I wanted to see! Calling the Prime Minister a idiot after he demands that they turn into a fighting unit and fight the 1st Division.

So the girls get taken to their safe zone which is like a giant scientific building with a robot called No-Sense.

Ibuki is pretty awesome and Aoi is pretty funny plus there is a guy with a weird head thing going on. That sentence made very little sense but never you mind.

So the Vice-Principal illegally gets in touch with another Coppelion, a male one (or as my mum put it a boy one), who is on clean up duty with lots of grenades and the like so you can guess what he is cleaning up. Anyway he asks him to go and help the girls so that is what he is going to do by the sound of it.

A much better episode, but I feel this has the potential to build up big stories and then fail to deliver in the second part.

I like the new characters though a bit weird how they just manage to stumble into so many bloody survivors in a toxic waste land. And Ibuki is pregnant and HAPPY so where is the father? We've seen HER father but where is the father of the baby? And where did they come from and how are they all linked?

It is getting confusing it is like they are writing people in the middle of a zombie or war anime that know each other and can survive but it isn't its in the middle of a city ravaged by a supposed nuclear attack.

I just can't get over the fact this seems very.... Strange. The fact that all this survivors just kind of fall into their lap.

Ibara was much better this episode, the last few episodes were out of character from what the first episode gave you it felt like a whole series of development was forgotten about and we just got Ibara from 100 episodes away transported back with all back story and reason for the feels explained. We didn't. We had Ibara who seemed so cool headed seeming to break down at the sight of a shadow.

Thankfully she was better.

And the 1st Division look so cool that if they beat them next episode when the boys get there I will be VERY upset because they could be such a cool bad guy.

I enjoyed the episode but not holding much stock to it right now. I can see why the series disappointed so many.

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