23 November 2013

Doctor Who : Day of the Doctor

So this is it, the 50th anniversary episode. 50 years in the making with one of the biggest actors we have ever seen playing a "forgotten"/"disowned" Doctor.

Ladies and gentleman, please get ready for the Day of the Doctor.


Nice nod to the past from the opening to the closing. We start with the original title screen and even a police officer walker past Totters Lane. Clara is teaching at Coal Hill when she gets a phone call from a Doctor.

The adventure then begins.

The story was a wonderful look into The Moment, the reason why the "Hurt" Doctor or the Warrior lost the title of the Doctor. It was also a interesting look into what makes the Doctor, what was the promise he took when he took the name and what is he really trying to forget?

For me the episode did all that and more, it gave us a multi-Doctor story, it gave us a good story with a great return for the Zygons and not only that it had John freakin' Hurt, Peter bloody Capaldi and Tom Baker. All in one episode. Yes it bloody did even if some of those were only split second cameos they were still there.

The Zygon story was a bog standard episode, the only thing of note was that there were three Doctors instead of the usual one Doctor, but it all went towards showing the Warrior Doctor the man he would become and in doing so giving Eleven the bright idea of stopping himself from using The Moment.

And it worked, it really did, for me at least.

It helps when I think that Eleven is one of the greatest Doctor's we'll ever have the pleasure of having and John Hurt was terrific.

So the Doctors?

As you can see I was well happy (as they say around these parts) with Matt Smith and his lovely portrayal of Eleven, not that he isn't perfect all the rest of the time. David Tennant wasn't too bad, it didn't really feel like the Doctor though it did feel like David Tennant Doctor Who fan being David Tennant as the Doctor. John Hurt on the other hand was fantastic but it was too short to really see just how wonderful he was, with a little longer running time there could have been more Time War and less of them all together which would have brought us to know the Warrior Doctor better.

Even with the limited running time the three of them together were amazing and just worked. Really worked. The chemistry between the three of them was amazing and I loved Hurt telling them off for being childish whilst at the same time actually being the youngest of the three of them. It was really pretty funny but also the "voice" of a portion of fans which I thought was sweet!

Jenna did amazingly well as the companion of the episode, once more a solid performance from her when Steven Moffat wrote for her, really don't know what went wrong in series 7b but this is the Clara I want more of before she ultimately leaves as well. She held the show together, with a little help from a few others, she never was put in the forefront of the episode always in the Doctors shadow but also worked like Jiminey Cricket telling the Doctor what he needed to hear. I liked it.

Billie Pipper on the other hand was unneeded and annoying. She had this look on her face the whole episode long, she blabbered on unimportantly to John Hurt's Doctor and to be honest I don't know why she was important enough to be the one The Moment used. I know she was "important" but I'd much rather have had anyone else, even Adric. Ohh now that would have been good, the ghost of what Adric COULD have been.... Nah....

The story itself was fun, it had its light hearted moments but it was building up to such a big explosive end. I am one that thinks a story can be told in any time slot given but this really needed a extra hour or even just another ten minutes, it also possibly needed a few more Doctors even if I wasn't all for it in the beginning.

As it was the Zygons were a good baddie and actually quite scary in its way and I hope they return because they were pretty awesome.

The episode was great, it was great for the fans and great for casual fans.

Very happy with the whole anniversary, I think it was wonderful.


Soooorrry I pressed Submit instead of Save. Yep I'm that dopey.

The only other thing I was going to say was that I loved the fact that Peter Capaldi was, albeit, briefly in it, can't wait for him. And I didn't have a clue what Tom Baker was saying as I was too busy fangirling about Tom Baker being Tom Baker. I do apologise for that.

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