10 October 2013

Doctor Who Missing Episodes found?

As someone who was born the year the original run of Doctor Who was cancelled, and years after the (at this second) 106 missing episodes were wiped missing episodes have some what of a mystical feel to them.

I mean there are (at this second) 106 episodes of Doctor Who I'll never get to watch, I can listen to audios, watch reconstructions and maybe read a book based off them but I'll never get to sit down and watch them like some of the other Who I've watched from before I was born.

This could all change today though.

There has been a "omnirumor" going for months now, lots of bickering in some quaters, skeptics, optimists and people "in the know" that couldn't tell us how they were "in the know" but seem to have come up trumps.

I've sat on the fence because I don't want to get myself over excited just to be let down, my own personal view on the world is that the BBC doesn't have to say sod all to us ever, if we wind ourselves up as a fandom they don't have to water the flames of our arguments with denials or confirmations, they don't even have to care that a small little fandom on the internet is getting its knickers in a twist over whether or not Missing Episodes have been found. So with nothing official and a lot of "he said, she said" going on on both sides I sat in the middle and just tried to come to terms with the news that somewhere between 1-105 episodes might have been found (we are all pretty sure The Feast of Steven hasn't been found!)

This also comes in the year that we had the "Rogue Cyberman" hoax and to be honest I'm surprised he hasn't shown up again to say that it was all his doing. That probably made me more skeptic then I possibly would have been (he'd already done the whole "we've found this much" and was proven to be peddling a porn site what if rumors had been made out of that hoax?)

That all being said we are waiting for the news that will come anytime in the next... 12 hours or so about missing episodes.

There is a BBC conference going somewhere and apparently it is rumored we'll all be able to watch them on iTunes as early as tomorrow!

The number of singular episodes, whole serials or whatever that has been found has yet to be confirmed but whether it is one tiny clip of something or over 100 serials in full won't it be amazing?

There have also been rumors (before we found out about the BBC press conference was announced, weeks and weeks ago) that they might spread the announcements over months or years, announcing two or three finds at different times.

As this blog took me forever to write (the postman came delivering my Doctor Who figurine collection... go figure! Then my sister came home and I sat down to watch Scooby-Doo with me niece) it seems that a whole story and most of another have kind of been confirmed (though waiting for the official announcement) so already the excitement is at its biggest! Especially as one of them was on my "wish list" for missing episodes!

Why am I writing this blog?

Because it is a big deal, finding any missing clip, episode whatever is always a big deal and for me, someone who didn't get to sit through all the past episodes, didn't even get to see anything before McGann live, still wasn't really old enough to see the TV Movie when it was broadcast and basically caught up on things when I could the thought now that I can see some of these episodes is just.... Amazing.

It is always like a small miracle when I hear anything has been recovered, whether it is something I personally watch or not.

So hopefully in a few hours we'll be officially aware of what (for me) "New" Troughton (or Hartnell) episodes we'll be able to see!

***This blog probably seems a bit disjointed.... For the above reasons it has taken since about 1pm to write this blog.... It has been constantly open in my browser and worked on when I have two minutes! Will have another one after midnight no doubt!****

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