6 February 2014

Space Dandy : Live with the Flow, Baby

Episode 1

Now I'm expecting loads from this anime, I mean with a name like Space Dandy who isn't? This could be one of the greatest things ever made... It also could be utter bollocks but I like looking on the bright side.

So he's a alien hunter called Dandy looking for aliens no one has found before.

It can't physically go wrong!


It starts off as great as I thought it would,, like a anime Flash Gordon without the Queen soundtrack!

The silhouette dancing was very Johnny Bravo and his first actual lines were EXTREMELY Johnny Bravo.

There is a lot of fun in the episode, even if the boob obsession got a little wearing (well I am a girl) there was a lot of fun in the episode. I mean the whole explanation joke (he explains more about his dream to buy Boobies the Breastaraunt chain then he does what the series is about) plus the actual characters themselves were quite fun.

It isn't surprising that Dandy is a complete airhead really, he has his moments, he isn't a annoying character (though he could become annoying) and he plays really well next to his robot friend QT (possibly the cutest sidekick EVER!) I also really liked Meow, who is as brainless as Dandy and QT but has a much more... How to say it.... Depressing tone of voice, like a dim Marvin.

The thing I really enjoyed about the series is the bright colours though, I really loved it. It was very retro and looked like some drug fuelled dream that Beavis and Butthead would have.

It made it really enjoyable though.

You can't help but love little moments that look like parodies of many of our favourite shows, and if anything Dandy is nowhere near as Dandy and wacky as William Shatners legendary Captain Kirk ever was.

I mean the episode ended with him blowing up his ship and the planet he was on........

It is such a fun romp with some larger then life characters that are somehow even.. Underplayed in their way. It is so easy to cross a line between funny and annoying with characters like this and it is nice that this didn't. It got the balance right and was worth watching just for the laughs.

The thing is with a show like this there isn't much need for series arcs or overly long stories, you can have fun just jumping from one stupid plot to the other with these characters.

It isn't something I'd go out of my way to make sure I watch, it doesn't have the wow factor of many of the other offerings I've seen so far but there is a small amount of charm within. It is worth the watch and I'm starting to wish I'd watched it a little earlier in the week (bad week) because it would have been a brilliant pick me up.

Fun and entertaining but not a massive loss if you don't get a chance to watch.

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