24 February 2014

Nourin : Farming's Five Top Four

Episode 5

The last episode really saw the series come into its own.

If only it could keep like that.



We have "bad guys" if you can use the word here. The top 4 students. We get to meet three of them and the fourth seems to be the main person for the next episode.

They were weird and wonderful in their own way.

Bio Suzuki was funny, she seemed to be the one in charge of everything. I quite liked her and when they went to get the miso from her I had no idea she was going to be the beginning of quite an interesting story.

The second one, and the one I've fallen in love with is Woodman Rintarou. Man is he awesome! I love that they built them up to be like Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat-esque people and really they just hated other classes because they have girls in them and the Foresters don't, therefore they can't sit next to girls and all that. Shame. Poor things.

The third is Rose Hanazono whose big punch line was he's gay and was trying to be Kosaku's first kiss. Which he was.

The third looks a little scary but it'll probably just end up being a bully or something on the similar lines of the other three.

It would be interesting next episode if we found out why they are the top four and how they came to be the top four. They seem to have a big respect for Kei.

It is also just nice seeing other parts of the school. You know there will be people looking after plants and people looking after animals so it was nice getting a glimpse of people learning how to make things in bio, woodcutters and landscape artists. I mean after all its all one and the same but people perfect different parts.

All of them look as crazy as the next though!

A very interesting episode and can't wait to see what happens next. I wonder if there is any point to this or if it is just another random piece.

Either way its fun.

And it also shoves Ringo out of the limelight for a bit which is bloody good because it doesn't look like her character is going to change any time soon. She still seems as distant and annoying as ever, only just a little less isolated from the rest of them.

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