7 February 2014

Noragami : Where Happiness Lies

Episode 4

So far I haven't been impressed with the show to be honest, it has potential but it doesn't seem to be living up to it at all. That being said last episode did go a long way to fixing that and the characters are still highly enjoyable to watch.

Still I'd like an interesting story or two now please?


After quite a funny start all of a sudden Yato gets very serious.

Not for long though as we learn that he's dating Kofuki who has a very strong bond with her Regalia.

Actually I have to say I loved this story. Yukine said it best it was insanity. But it had a strong story and the character building was fun.

I liked the whole having the guy falling off the building and telling his story, I can honestly say I thought that his story was going to end different from him having fallen in love with Kofuki who is actually the God of poverty.

Plus I loved how Kofuki was so childish and in telling Hiyori about Yato's past would have left her believing he was a bad guy or something. Her Regalia is awesome though! And I loved how Yukine seems to be starting to like the idea of working with Yato.

It is slowly starting to come together PLUS with this "killed" Regalia doing ghostly things we might have the basis of a arc coming on!

Much better and slowly it is starting to feel a bit more full. This episode didn't feel like it took forever and a day to get a tiny little point across, the actual story was a lot of fun. It did make me giggle the whole forever falling, let alone the fact that it was Yato's fault that they were falling and he was handing out his business card and then the guy gave him his back.

The whole idea of Gods and belief has always been something that interests me and it makes sense that if he hasn't got the shrine or the worshippers he's going to have to take any wish whatsoever to be remembered by people. The thing is surely people like Hiyori will start to improve his favour? After all she now basically believes in him after all!

On the hole a lot better structured episode. Really was needed in the long run I think.

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