Episode 1
Now this series might give me some problems!
A girl moves in with her step-brother after her mother remarries and is possessed by a spirit that needs to get her step brother to fall in love with her to get closer to the "Gates of Heaven".
For it to work it'll have to relay HEAVILY on the comedy aspect and personally for me it'll have to make me work to love EVERY character. I will keep saying it but I'm very difficult when it comes to romances. I like stories to be fun and engaging but I don't like it when you are just expected to love a couple.
Hopefully I'll find something to love!
So it seems they've only just recently moved in together and already the two parents are off to India for work. Well at least for a change we got to hear where the parents have gone instead of having to guess!
It seems Mitsuki is taking it a lot harder then Yuuya. Of course Yuuya has a weird friend who thinks its awesome he has a little step sister. It just so happens that Yuuya finds out about how it used to be common practise for brothers and sisters to get married. What luck for the series!
It seems she faints and has to go to hospital, when she wakes up she is rather different....
The intro goes a long way to make me care about the show, it seems alright really! The small moment before hand was quite funny so at the moment it is working for me.
So we get to see what really happened on the bridge, some stupid looking angel needed her to disappear and flew into her. Of course I don't think Mitsuki thinks its real until she takes her skirt off and finds a chastity belt and Kotobuki Hiyori floating in mid air!
What's with the porno in the middle? I muted it and went about my business.
Afterwards the toilet scene was quite funny.
This is going to be hard, really hard.
I liked the comedy, I liked the characters, but that few moments of stupidity in the middle nearly made me turn the whole thing off. Nowhere did it say it was going to be like that! I wish I had known now.
I'll give it another chance because it did have some really good moments and brilliant characters.
I love Yuuya, he seems like such a great character, just a normal guy and trying so hard to be nice to Mitsuki. I even quite like Mitsuki though think she needs time to grow. Hiyori is alright and I hope she comes baring a decent back story because if she's just been sent there to feel up Mitsuki or else have sex with Yuuya then.... What have I gotten myself into?!
I'm really not sure about it because around that one moment was quite a great story, it was funny but also interesting and you got drawn into these two people's lives.
Am I the only person that thinks it weird that a man and women with children can get married yet never introduce their children? Try living together before hand? Or anything like that? I don't get it, why would THE FIRST STEP be moving in together? Introductions should surely come a long way before then?
I really haven't made up my mind on whether I enjoyed it or not so you'll have to forgive me a second episode before I give any real indication on whether I liked it.
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