30 January 2014

Pupipo! : Dark Sunday

Episode 4

So Az has now seen some ghosts and was very happy to see them! There also seems to be a depressed boy wandering around, and no I don't mean the stupid one!


So Po isn't with Az and Wakaba today, he's wrestling with Wakaba's father (OMG I love her father!) and Wakaba meets a.... Head spirit.... That slept on his head wrong....


That is what happened.

So Az actually dies! Po shows up too late, he banishes the head to the other world then takes Wakaba with him to go save Az's spirit.

Interesting development.

I mean this is great story telling in such a small space of time, such an interesting story that is playing out at break neck speeds. I'm intrigued in what is going to happen next, I would like to see why they ended up on a train? And it would be nice to see more of the spirit world now we're going there.

Very interesting overall and interesting to see that there isn't much Wakaba seems to be able to do to stop the Ghosts, but the Head Ghost seemed to think that was a weakness, so are we being led to believe that she could do something about them?

Either way it'll be interesting to see if they manage to bring Az back, I'm guessing they do. But it'll be interesting to see how!

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