Chapter 368
Hoping that the story progresses a little, the big problem with the Grand Magic Games was it stagnated around the end of the Games and beginning of the Dragons Attack, hoping this doesn't stagnate too!
So Cana lays into Elfman for leaving Lisanna behind, what she doesn't know is that he's given his soul to save Lisanna (and we find out that he has to leave a "Ultra-concentrated Ether Light Sphere" that will vaporise the Guild instantly within the Guild,) I think its personally I little off for Cana to be quite so.... Nasty really. Yes she's got strong morals and she is the first to usually point out something is wrong, but I don't know what she got out of her outburst?
Elsewhere and I think Silver is as fed up of the naked jokes as I am and gives Lisanna something to cover up with. I mean I get it, interesting idea, leave your opponents exposed and embarrassed by taking their clothes away. Its a great and dark torture to use but does it ALWAYS need to then be brought down to a joke?
And Jellel is dead.
Yep. Third seal. Dead.
So we might be getting into the real interesting part and I can foresee a very sad chapter coming up. I wonder how many of the regulars are going to make it out alive? I mean everyone we love is in the Guild at the moment (am I right in believing that Laxus and crew are recovering within the Guild?) and then the stronger members sans Laxus and Guildarts are captured and struggling or being tortured. It isn't looking good!
I still can't wait for the arrival of the other Guilds, surely they'd have worked out what is going on too and is going to come to help? At the same time the Guild is under threat and I'm sure that some of our heroes aren't going to make it out alive.
This is starting to build the drama up again. I don't mind it when chapters go on about nothing for a while, its fun having character developing chapters, but its when they prolong the BEGINNING of things, Jellal's fight could have been interesting but we got snippets of it here and there and NOW he's dead and NOW there is a BEGINNING to a new story. If they had, had one chapter and the end was cut off until now then it wouldn't have gotten to the point that you just don't CARE anymore.
I'm lucky I LIKE Jellal and found his death sad. For others the whole thing would have been... Too drawn out.
It is interesting though that they've done it this way, it'll be interesting to see what happens next (and yes I'm working tomorrow so won't actually be reviewing it till I get home though will probably read it at work) because surely something big should happen. And when I mean big I mean... No one should have any magical powers.
This is becoming interesting!
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