Episode 4
Well. The last episode was quite random. Wonder what we'll get to know about the characters this episode?
So we get to see the two girls lives.
One is at school and from day one was trying to figure out how much time she can have off...
The other is working for a guy that wears a mask because he's too shy to deal with customers.
It seems that Chika has noticed the shop that Mako works at and thinks its suspicious. Whereas Chiko's best friend at school is dating a guy that she goes on online dates with.
It seems that everything she talks about is Mako.
Anywho's I liked the episode more because we got a real look at the two girls, it wasn't just random jokes but actually a little background on them. The only problem with this (that Miss Monochrome doesn't have) is the amount of characters versus the amount of time we've got to get to know them.
It can be quite annoying to be honest!
But this episode had the balance right, it really needs to focus on two at a time and not all four else it just becomes difficult to figure out what the episode is about.
It isn't really fun having to figure out what happened within three minutes. Monochrome does it well sometimes this one doesn't!
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