16 December 2013

Nagi no Asukara : The Ofunehiki Shakes

Episode 7

The less I talk about the last episode the better! So. Lets just get on with the next episode shall we?



Their project is finally done and actually looks quite cool.

Their teacher loves it and the rest of the class notice how close Manaka and Tsu are when they both announce they want to do a real Ofunehiki. The rest of the class love the idea of that too! Hikari takes control and tells Tsu he has to try and get the fishing company to agree whilst Hikari goes and talks to the Village about it.

So they go out and petition to get it done. Hikari and Manaka beg, Kaname charms them and Tsu gives Chisaki some good but harsh advice.

Hikari's dad isn't much help as it wasn't them that said they weren't doing it but Oshiooshi. Akari sticks up for him and Hikari goes off in a bad mood.

The Fishing corporation seems happy enough and the Young Mans group seemed to have listened to Hikari so it looks like we'll get the Ofunehiki after all!

So the adults arrive at the school to talk it out and it looks like they will act more like kids. Yep..... Children.

By the time Akari shows up its the kids keeping the adults from killing each other!

And because of the stupid adults all the work the kids put into it is ruined as they push Hikari into the Ojoshi-sama and break it.

So at long last Akari is leaving after telling her father what for, and apparently so is Hikari.

This doesn't bode well for them as Uroko apparently has to protect them as they are "his" descendants so he tries to force them to stay. After their father begs Uroko to have mercy on them he lets them go but he doesn't seem happy about it.

Wow they are running out of people aren't they?

I can kind of understand them not wanting their kids to leave the village, running out of families there will jut mean that they are there together and then the village dies out. It isn't even like Miuna is Akari's kid she's someone else's (someone else from the village that decided to leave for Iturai(sp?))

I mean Hikari is only leaving because he's being a misery guts anyway though for a good reason this time. I guess running away is the only real way to show that unhappiness but at the same time I'd have liked to see him a little less miserable like he'd been the rest of the episode. At some point I'd like him to go a whole episode without shouting!

I felt bad for all the kids, it is always the way though, kids don't look at an adult "picture" they just see people, the best example being The Boy in Stripped Pyjama's. Now that was a film! They are raised to believe that the people on the surface are pigs and they think we're fish so who cares? But when you sit them all down and realize they are all just human the kids see the bigger picture which is life is so much easier if you just get on.

The adults came into that meeting thinking they were right, both sides determined they knew what was best and all of them trying to score points. Hikari's father was just there for show.

The kids on the other hand broke down the wall their parents put up around them got this thing done and just wanted to celebrate. They put their differences (of which there have been a few) behind them so that they could get on, they all worked to get the adults to hear them out but the adults didn't bother and in the process destroyed something that meant more then just a festival.

The story really was a huge piece for the father who came off looking as strong as he ever has. He has a lot of responsibilities and he loves his kids, if he didn't he'd let Uroko do whatever he liked to them, but he also has the responsibility of the whole village, a dying village, on his shoulders. He has to be seen to put the needs of his people before his own personal feelings and yeah that might make him seem distant and cold to his kids but he hasn't actually done anything that hurtful to them ever. He just wants what is best for everyone. And them running to the surface isn't going to do that.

Though I'm sure if he put his mind to it that Uroko could do something to stop people going to the surface and thus killing the village....

Like not letting them close down the schools....

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