12 December 2013

Nagi no Asukara : Hey, Sea Slug

Episode 5

So it seems that the hate towards the underwater people is nearly over! Thank Gods!

But what is Uroko up to?


I feel sorry for their father, he seems like such a lovely guy.

So the Sea God wants the boundaries to be permanent. That was what Ukoro was talking about.

Chisaki apparently is "ill" I think its more then that the poor girl. Instead of going home she goes looking for a red-bellied sea slug, she doesn't seem to find one. On her way to school she runs into Tsu who already can tell she likes Hikari. She decides to tell Tsu about her feelings but Manaka overhears, why the hell is that girl over reacting?

When at work Akari finally gets a chance to break up with Itaru, on her way back to work she see's Miuna and tells her she'll go away and leave them. That night though and Miuna is missing, Hikari tells Akari she can't be his mother so should go and be Miuna's and they all go looking for her. She just randomly shows up later in the night though. Hikari decides to spend the night with Miuna whilst Itaru and Akari make up.

The next morning and she finds Hikari and Miuna next to the chewing gum graffiti.

What a happy ending...

I'm not sure I'm happy with the way Akari's story went. Itaru seems very much to be self absorbed, his life with Akari was more important then finding his daughter, the whole Miuna part just seemed under thought. To be honest I think the whole thing is a little weird. I love all three characters don't get me wrong, I love that they all managed to be together in the end and that Akari would choose the land for Miuna, but its kind of sad that it became so important for her to replace someone else and look after someone else's family. She seems to have a mum complex, when her mother died she had to look after Akari, then when her friend died she had to become mum to her daughter and then she kind of slipped into that role and "fell in love" with her husband. Where does this apparent love really come from?

It might have worked better if we saw where that love came from but from the flash backs and what we've learnt over the last two episodes she really does have some sort of complex.

I get Hikari, and why he's suddenly changed his tune and why he'd talk to Miuna and try to get her to understand better, I'd even understand if he was just able to talk her into the idea, his part in the story was well explained and you can see how he cares about Akari and wants her to have her life, the one she chooses and not one chosen for her by loyalty to him or his father or by Ukoro.

Unfortunately I personally at this time don't see this being her living her life for herself, this seems another step on her ladder of being responsible for things she thinks she should be responsible for whether or not she actually HAS to be responsible for them. Its Hikari all over again just this time its not as understandable because at least Hikari was her brother, Miuna was her friends daughter and Itaru was her husband, she took that responsibility because she thought of Miuna as a little sister.

My thing purely is that I want Akari to be happy, but the story didn't make it look like she was doing something SHE wants to do. It seemed like a silly love story that was put in without too much thought. On the surface it looks lovely, lower down and it looks shallow.

And when we're talking about shallow Manaka WTF?! She ran away because she over heard Chisaki? She's her friend yet she made that whole moment about herself. How the hell does she think Chisaki feels seeing her friend run away from her after hearing her deepest secret?! These are the moments I hate about Manaka there isn't anything cute about it and I'm getting the feeling that she's kind of the "main" character. With Hikari in love with her, Chisaki in love with Hikari and Manaka in love with Tsu it just seems obvious that she's the one we're probably meant to always be behind, I find it hard to be behind someone who is so.... So flakey!

Its pathetic.

I liked the episode though. Not as much as the others. Sometimes I just wish they'd put a little more into the stories and not just end them on the normal endings.

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