27 November 2013

Gingitsune : The Place Where the Gods Are

Episode 3

By the preview we might be introduced to some of Gin's friends! That could be fun.

We learn about Kinjiro leaving, Kinjiro was Gin's partner (spirits come in pairs) he left with no plan, he could no longer watch and not be able to help. 

Back to present day and Yumi, Funabashi and Makoto are having dinner together. 

Funabashi is going for the spiritual mumbo jumbo... All about how they will one day be separated after school so isn't it cool to look at something like Makoto's shrine and see how its lasted centuries. She has a point!

On her way home Makoto finds a turtle. Just it isn't any normal turtle its a herald like Gin. How cute! His shrine has been destroyed and turned into a road so he has to find somewhere else to live before he disappears. Makoto's dad points them in the direction of a shrine that should have a small shrine dedicated to the Turtles God in the back room. Next day they pop off to re-home him....

High Maintenance Turtle. We need a TV show about it! 

On her way she bumps into Yumi who is being mean to her boyfriend again and invites herself along to spend the day with Makoto instead. How kind of her! 

So the things from episode one are lion-dogs. Strange creatures! 

I liked learning about the spirits and I liked meeting new ones that was something special for this episode. The turtle was funny but you really felt sorry for him, his home was taken away from him it was sad, it never actually said what happened to his partner did they? Or did I miss that?

It lots of Gin as you can remember my only problem with the other episode was lack of Gin so this was all good for me. I love his relationship with Makoto it is adorable. Hopefully it'll only get better. 

It is nice to learn a little of the traditions or Japan through the show, I really did find it interesting learning about the different spirits, it all had a very Discworld-ian feel to it.

Not only that but the two Lion-Dogs explained something that Doctor Who tried to in Hide but didn't quite hit the right emotional chord. In Hide Clara was upset that the Doctor didn't care that human lives seemed small to him, in this its opposite, we are allowed to see the wonders and feel the pain not of the human but the deity who might meet 100 different people over millennia but it never feel that long to them.

It worked, obviously in Doctor Who we were meant to think this as a cold part of the Doctor, not caring that he can visit the beginning of the Earth and the end of it within minutes and not find it sad or scary. In this it is used to remind us that all these Heralds are lucky to have a partner because humans come and go, it is why we should feel more warmly to Gin who doesn't really have anyone at all.

It was a nice message. 

Even though I loved the episode something about it made it flat, it might have just been me though so I'm not holding it against the episode. Though the Yumi stuff was unneeded it distracted from the actual story to be frank. 

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