12 August 2013

WWE Smackdown : 9.8.13

So seeing I watched an episode of TNA I thought why not WWE again? Starting with Smackdown.

Now it has been even LONGER then my last viewing of TNA so I probably will be going who? Quite a lot...

Bare with me...

So first up I have to say the opening music freakin' sucks. I hate it. What happened to bad assedness? It says it all really.

Anyway Randy Orton comes out straight after the opening ends to start a match. I do like Orton. Ohhh that announcing team makes me very happy.

Smackdown has already won me over Randy Orton v Rob Van Dam? Yes please! So happy it goes right into a fight and a fight with two brilliant superstars. And they've told me Christian is number one contender... Christian... Where has Smackdown been in my life? When you have two wrestlers of this kind of quality you know it is going to be good and it didn't disappoint. RVD looks awesome at the moment.

Top quality match, maybe a little long for a opening match, felt very much like a main event. I mean when you start with that quality where do you go from there? Orton wins, happy days! Would have been happy either way.

Christian *swoons* he is still perfect in every way.

Miz TV? The ring ended up full of personality-less people. Well other than the Miz who is a bit funny. "Friends"... Who would marry that beard, that sounds very much like Eric Young territory. Yeah this didn't live up to the quality of the first match it was just a little bit.... Boring. Pointless. Probably had a point but AJ Lee has no personality. They have very comfy looking sofa's and aren't sitting down... Silly peoples.

That was a waste of my life. I skipped it, apparently Ziggler and Katelyn beat down on AJ and whatshisface. It was driving me more insane then I was already.

Paul Heyman hasn't aged.... Nice to see a little bit of what is going on at RAW, helps me make my mind up that I will probably enjoy seeing this episode too. I do feel that Miz TV and this should have been before the Orton/RVD fight as it has just... Bored me a little. Again I skipped it in the end, even though the story and the match looked good it was edited like a bad music video and I can't see why people who watch RAW and Smackdown every week would want to watch these bits.

Vicky never changes...

Fandango.... Smackdown has a lot of... special characters don't they? So Fandango v Kofi Kingston. I believe I've seen Kofi wrestle before, he's pretty great if I remember correctly. Could be fun, will make up for the last few segments.

It was a really good match, ohhh I had fun watching it! Fandango won, now this will be confusing having a Fandango in my life seeing that is what we sometimes call Fernando Alonso... though to be totally fair I'm not blogging F1 at the moment so it won't be that confusing.

Now I like beards... I love beards.... But Daniel Bryan looks weird with his beard... Its like his beard is actually made out of his skin not hair. It doesn't suit him. This is Lucas di Grassi style stubble terror. It isn't hard to RKO Cena, lets be fair. Just wait for him to do nothing... As he always does.

Daniel Bryan v Wade Barrett who apparently is British. We will explain to you why Wade Barrett doesn't have a beard? Is that really what they will do... They've already done that. Daniel Bryan just looks a bit ill... But yes Barrett, yummy... Though he was even more yummy with his beard, shame. Yeah Brits are better looking.

The match was very... Eric Young v Magnus vibish. Yes I have to work on TNA comparisons because I watch TNA more often then WWE... I do like Wade Barrett, oh yes I do. If anything I will be watching WWE for Barrett (Christian, Orton, RVD...) Unfortunately he lost to Danial Bryan but to be honest another really, honestly brilliant match.

Damion who? Is that Cody Rhodes? Hahaha I love this man, he seems very funny. Savior of the masses? He has the personality but he's a little wooden. I like him.

*Sorry Anna just exploded after seeing Kane.....*

Wow I like this promo. Ohhh Kane, yes I'm a big Kane fan girl too. The problem is when I was younger Kane was a monster, now I can't really take him seriously like that. But anyway Kane v 3MB who look a bit like 3 Count from back in the day... I feel old. JBL is the voice of reason, man did they use to have some matches, specially when he was a part of the Ministry of Darkness. The match was short and sweet... The Wyatt family are quite awesome, but Kane is just freakin' awesome. AWESOME!

So we have a Brock Lesner interview, he's another one I remember first coming into WWE. Man this is depressing, I really do feel old. Well he found a personality.

Skipped it though. I'll explain later.

Now THIS is the match I was waiting for CHRISTIAN!!!!bMan does he never bloody change! The only thing since I was a kid that has changed with him (and Jericho) is that they have short hair! He's still hot... Christian v Del Rio now I've heard of Del Rio but never seen him wrestling before.

The match was really good. Maybe not as good as RVD v Orton or maybe I was just knackered at 1:36am!

Again not sure why they are chanting USA in a match with a Canadian and Mexican... I mean... Is USA just a new chant that needs to be chanted in every company for no good reason?!

WOOO Christian wins, happy days!

The match was a little slow in places but again that just could be the time I'm watching it and how tired I am, I have been fangirling over Christian since the start of the show. But a good match, Del Rio is pretty cool to be honest...

Ohh and Cody Rhodes slug is the most unattractive thing since Cody Rhodes....

First of all obviously I'm impressed with the fact it just got down to action and not only that but they have to be two of the biggest name in their company! It started the night off really well.

The commentary team is like my fan girls dream. I grew up watching WWE (WWF back then) and Michael Cole and the then Bradshaw (of the Acolytes) were like... You know... Big stars. Well... Yeah. You know what I mean. As I lost Sky and couldn't watch WWE I stopped watching and when I did get back into it now and again I didn't really like the characters that were there or the stories. If I am getting back into it anything like I've been in the past having them on the commentary table helps. A lot.

I guess the show... Kind of lived up to the high expectations the opening match gave it. It was followed by some quite boring bits, I don't care about any of these stories and I don't think any of these people will make me. The wrestling saved the show, it was top quality from beginning to end. It had a opening main event and a main event. I need to care about some of the other segments that I skipped before those kind of things work. The Ziggler/AJ whoever and whoever thing will probably never interest me. But the Lesner thing, yeah maybe, but I want to see him wrestle before the promos so I skipped them because I don't care about the feud yet.

It was a good show to watch to get me back in though as I ADORE Christian (if you can't tell), I love Kane and RVD, Orton I have always supported and Barrett is hot. And British. I'll defo give it another few weeks.

Ok so these reviews might be a bit... different but I'll find my stride so give me a few weeks and we'll get it up and running properly! Sometime this week I'll catch up with last week and this weeks RAW, so two count em TWO RAW blogs.

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