10 August 2013

WataMote : Since I'm not popular I'll boost my skills

Episode 5

We went through the motions last week. Cute pants, exotic dreams and being found asleep in strange ways...

Life as an unpopular girl just never gets better does it?


We are not giving up! There must be a way!

A character setting! That is what we need. "Silent and expressionless" ..... Isn't that what we are anyway? Mainly because we don't have anyone to talk to and we never let people see how we feel?

So Tomoko starts first thing in the morning with her mother who just shrugs it off. Tomoki just loses his temper with her, well she did drink his sports drink. I get where he's coming from with that one.

Science class and her new character isn't working, sports class and her new character isn't working...

She's kind of figured out that she's always silent anyway and that messes with the expressionless part as she nearly started to cry. TOMOKO!!! She passes the coffee bar that she went into with Yuu and decides to go in and get a drink.

Ohhh the embarrassment of trying to over think yourself!

The cappuccino of doom! And then she falls off her chair.

So she goes to take cute photos, they don't turn out the way she wanted though. So she sticks them all over her brothers room, ohhh Tomoko you are in trouble now!

Her next grand plan is working at a cabaret but she'll need to get good at certain "skills". So she learns how to use a lighter then sticks ice cubes in poor Tomoki's coffee!

She goes into the red light district.... Maybe not the best idea...

We have a new ending sequence as well. Not to mention Rammstein makes a GREAT soundtrack, in fact there was one point that Mutter came on and it matched the show so well I'm thinking of doing a video with that moment in there.

Anyway the big "plan" this week seemed to be listening to how characters become popular on the TV or else getting "motivation" by people on chat shows.

Yeah, how do they get life so easy?

So this character acts like that? Lets be more like that... Next day realize that being like that is impossible and you break down in tears. Ohhh it has happened way too often I'm afraid, I still do it. Sooo that character laughs like that or gives that special little smile, lets adopt that style, next day and I make myself look like a prat and cry!

Once again it has depicted quite a traumatic event in my life that I live through quite regularly, you'd think we'd learn but now we don't. I always did wonder why being the strong silent type didn't work for me, I guess you do actually need someone to be interested in TALKING to you in the first place for anyone to notice that you are the strong silent type and not just a lonely person sitting on your own because you had no friends.

I do love Tomoki though and I felt for him this week having Tomoko being... Well quite mean to him to be honest. I mean it is just normal sibling behavior but he was quite calm for some of the things she was putting him through. I did like the bringing him coke moment but even that was spoilt by her spilling it on his floor. Poor Tomoki, he is a brilliant little brother.

I don't like hot drinks so I have never attempted to go into a coffee shop and get a drink though it is where people seem to go. Do all these people REALLY like coffee so much?! I can't stand it! I can't be the only person in the world who thinks it tastes horrible? Even if I had a friend I don't think I'd want to go meet them in a coffee shop!

Another very sad day in mine... I mean Tomoko's life.

Next week is promising fireworks though! Just in time for the firework championships in Plymouth as well!

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