Episode 2
Pikachu and Ash have finally bonded so the adventure now begins.
So a police officer is warning the town to look out for suspicious looking people and suddenly she see's Ash running along with Pikachu. After using his Pokédex to prove who he was the officer takes him to the hospital.
Meanwhile the WANTED duo are plotting something with a talking Pokémon!
At the Pokécentre and the nurse takes Pikachu to fix him up, giving Ash a piece of her mind whilst at it. Whilst waiting for Pikachu to be sorted out Ash calls home. His mum has an obsession with his pants....
Suddenly Prof. Oak phones through, not that there was much of a point to his call. The moment the call ends the girl who fished him out of the water shows up with her destroyed bike that Ash stole in episode 1. She is understandably very upset.
Why the heck have they put a light bulb on the Pikachu's head?
So the Pokémon thieves are called Team Rocket. They send their Pokémon into the Pokécentre to attack.
"To protect the world from devastation! To unite all peoples within our nation! To denounce the evils of truth and love! To extend our reach to the stars above! Jessie! James! Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light! Surrender no, or prepare to fight! Meowth! That's right!"
Oh have to love the Team Rocket motto!
They are there to find rare Pokémon and attack with their Ekans and Koffing. Ash tries to help by using some of the Pokéballs in the centre but none of them come up with anything helpful so the girl steps in and calls out Goldeen, who is useless without water so she calls him back. Seems to be a diversion for Ash to remove Pikachu.
Suddenly all the Pikachu's in the centre jump on top of Ash's Pikachu and fries Team Rocket.
They destroy the Pokécentre but at least they saved the Pokémon. Ash and Pikachu are already on their way by the next morning in the forest. Ash decides to catch a Caterpie.
And of course we know the girl is called Misty.
It is nice reliving how Team Rocket became obsessed with Pikachu, just as simple as thinking he's overly special because of his bond with Ash. It is pretty funny thinking of the fun we'll have with Team Rocket in the future. I am a big Team Rocket fan.
And a talking Meowth! A TALKING MEOWTH!
Some Pokémon talk apparently. Wonder how?
I enjoyed the episode, the whole thing was just a lot of fun and we already have a team going with Ash and Misty which is great fun. I'm interested in seeing Misty fight at some point even if her Pokémon are only helpful close to water. She is quite an interesting character, strong willed and cool headed. She'll be needed to counteract Ash's childish enthusiasm and determination to "catch them all".
So next episode we might catch our first Pokémon?
Hasn't Ash learnt? He needs to have Pikachu fight the Caterpie first to make it easier to catch him. Boys never listen.
So yes the getting to know you stage is still on going but what fun we are having?! Of course most of you, like me, knows how the stories go but I'm going to try and make it sound like I've never seen Pokémon before in my life. So shhh.
Team work, it is the biggest thing we learn from this. Work as a team and you'll do anything, be a twit and you'll be fried by an electric rat.
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