28 August 2013

One Piece : Pirate Fleet (crew)

Chapter 38

Kuro has kinda been defeated, he's at least been hit by Luffy and his claws are gone.

What next for his pirate crew who he doesn't want anything to do with anyway?!


OK so Luffy hasn't even destroyed ALL his claws only the ones on one side!

He isn't making friends, he's already decided that his whole crew will die after he's done with Luffy.

In the forest and Django is having trouble, he's sent the boys to sleep but Kaya won't open her eyes to be hypnotized by him. The boys it turns out where pretending and attack Django from behind, GO BOYS!

The fighting is bringing Zoro and Usopp closer to the battle though.

Well Kuro hasn't got the hang of making friends, he was always going to kill his crew and now he's insulting them as well. Luffy puts him in his place though and tells him he ain't as great as Usopp. Suddenly Kuro uses a secret technique that makes him super fast and he starts massacring his whole crew.

Well you can guess how that went down with Luffy!

Kuro is a bad man, he is  just purely evil! He might have as much character as a soggy cabbage but man is he scary!

I don't believe he's just decided to kill all his crew purely because he was bored of being a pirate. I mean he's pretty damn evil to be frank! Man do I dislike this bastard! And now he's made Luffy angry!

I mean come on if you are going to leave your crew at least just bloody leave them don't massacre them for no good reason! It was bad enough he wanted to kill someone as innocent as Kaya but now... Now he's taking the biscuit!

Then again he isn't their captain anymore, Django is so I don't know why they bother with him, not that they had much of a choice they didn't have time to run away before he started attacking.

You do not know how angry he's made me now! I shouldn't get so worked up about a character in a manga. Man is he in need of a smack!

As for the others it is nice to see Zoro and Usopp getting close but not only that but also to see the boys get a one up on Django! That fight is pretty fun to be honest.

The chapter was obviously a good one because it really got a reaction out of me, I was screaming at Kuro at one point and had tears in my eyes by the end I was so angry. That is when you know that the chapter has been a great one.

Just;..... Someone sort out that Kuro and do it soon!

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