24 August 2013

One Piece : Grave Danger

Chapter 32

Sham v Zoro.

Lets hope so. The bastard has stolen Zoro's katanas! He needs to be taught a lesson!


Now he's thrown the other two on the floor. He's dead.

Zoro cuts through him and it looks like he's a goner, but it turns out he had very baggy clothes on and he's very VERY tiny.

Buchi's turn.

He tries to drop kick Zoro whilst Sham holds him, thankfully Zoro moves just in time but he still only has the one katana!

Usopp tries to help by shooting at Buchi but Zoro blocks, Usopp realizes that he did that to stop Buchi or Sham from attacking them, yes Usopp my Zoro is VERY impressive.

When it all looks like its going to hell Kuro shows up angry at his crew...

Ohh no.

Sham and Buchi are actually REALLY good characters I really didn't expect that. I mean I knew they weren't going to be push overs but they were just really good.

Reminded me of Team 3D....

Poor Zoro having to look after Usopp and Nami AND fight the two cats at the same time with only one sword.

Did a pretty good job of it though didn't he?!

Again I loved the chapter, they are always good when they get down to the fighting. I'm kind of happy that it was left a bit to Zoro but the fight isn't really over, I'd like to have seen them defeat Sham and Buchi before Kuro showed up. Guess that was wishful thinking.

Be interesting to see what happens next...

To be honest if I was Kaya I'd have gone to the village and roused the whole lot of them, I don't think a whole group along with the three strangers would have feared the pirates so much. As it is I don't really know what to expect.

So far Kuro has been so boring, yeah he's clever and his cunning is inspiring but he doesn't SEEM dangerous. What is he going to do THINK you to death?!

I'm guessing I'm going to find out what is so special about him next?

You can tell I actually enjoyed this one, I was jumping in support of Zoro. Can't wait to see what happens next!

***On a side note I hope you are enjoying the reviews so far! I will be away from the blog for a few hours to go shopping (I wrote these last night up until 2pm) so if nothing is posted after this one I apologise. I will still do 24 in 24 hours it just might mean I'm working harder tonight before bed. I'm hoping to get an hour or two between walking Gimli and going shopping to finish the reviews, if not I will get them done before midnight!***

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