Chapter 15
So we are off to fight Buggy, YAY! He'll learn not to mess with Boodle!
So Boodle is confronting Buggy, everyone finds it very funny but Cabaji wants to take Boodle out for Buggy.
Cabaji the acrobat. Now that is pretty cool.
Buggy actually wants to fight them himself and laughs at the mention of the village being treasure, obviously he's only interested in "real" treasure. Instead of fighting him man on man Buggy sends his hand flying around Boodle's throat and starts to choke him.
Just as it seems to be going wrong Luffy comes and challenges Buggy.
And before Boodle can get hurt anymore Luffy totals him to keep him out of the way and safe.
So Luffy calls Buggy a big nose and gets a cannon ball for his trouble, he balloons up and sends it smashing right back at the inn.
So the confrontation with Buggy didn't start out too well for Boodle but now that Luffy has taken over I'm sure at least part of the village possibly could be saved. Maybe.
I do like Cabaji SOOO much more than Mohji. The unicycle thing is pretty cool.
Ohhh I do like Buggy and his crew they are pretty much the coolest pirate crew in the world, Buggy being able to separate the way he does is awesome and even though it isn't exactly fair that he just shot his hand at Boodle and attacked it shows how heartless he is.
I did hope that Boodle might get a hit in one way or the other but as long as he isn't killed I'm a happy sailor!
So we are actually going to see Luffy fight Buggy? Good times! Well that is if they haven't killed Buggy by firing the Buggy ball back at him of course.
It was a good chapter, I love how angry Buggy gets and he is wonderfully drawn in the manga. Totally the opposite of Luffy who just smiles away to himself and gets on with it.
I'm worried about Zoro though who is looking hurt, but as long as he doesn't end up in a fight with Mr Falling-to-pieces we'll all be alright.
I do wonder how they are going to defeat Buggy if a Buggy ball doesn't stop him, I mean if he's anything like Luffy he won't be very easy to stop, this could go on for a while. I guess it'll be the fun of reading on and seeing!
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