Episode 7
Last week we had Harumi off trying to save his favorite book store. It was full of beautiful little moments for him and we learnt a lot about his past. It was a very sweet episode!
What adventures await our little doggie friend this week?!
So he isn't allowed to read law books! Ohhh Natsuno is so mean to him!
They are searching for her bra for some strange reason. How is he going to find her bra with her scent? The whole house will smell like her and so will all her clothes...
Harumi really needs to stop calling her flat chested if he wants to survive. And crazy shows up just in time to see him hanging there.
Apparently there are seven literary sins.
#1 Disturbing someone who's trying to read
#2 Spoiling books
#3 Treating books carelessly
#4 ....
Well we never find out the rest, which is a shame! And by trying to kill her ickle doggie she kind of lets herself in for it as she drops her box of breast enlarging things on top of him.
There is a man in a mankini......... Kill me now, even in anime form that is a sin to show us that....
So it turns out that Harumi had the bra all along... He didn't mean to have it though and now he's trying to "hide" the evidence. Unfortunately Yayoi shows up and finds the bra and tells him he has to go to the police, he runs off with the bra in his mouth.
We finally get to meet the "maid" who is singing in the woods monologuing. She seems just as... blood thirsty as Natsuno. And her broom isn't just a broom its a sword/knife type thing. So this means that we get a Natsuno fight against the maid. Zapper of Corruption v the Scissors... Do they have a name?! So the maid is a bad guy? She goes off after hearing the roast potato man singing about his potatos. Her mistress I'm guessing is the one in the wheelchair?
There are a few really cute moments in this episode where Natsuno really looks like she cares about Harumi, like when she see's that he's got dirty paws and the fact she has dogs sewed into her favorite bra. I'd like to see more of that, maybe a proper "Harumi is in trouble" episode and she gets really upset and show her true colors?!
As it is I love them two together, I do enjoy seeing them apart, especially Harumi with others, but they are a fun duo.
Enjoyed the episode, liked meeting "The Maid" properly for the first time, I'm guessing her Master is the third writer? And is no normal house hold item safe?!
I mean the point of the episode was a bit "meh" the whole finding the bra thing but it was pulled off in a way that didn't really annoy me in any shape or form. I do like when they go investigating together it is always a lot of fun. Plus seeing how Harumi does things like making steps out of books and his little bad is always adorkable.
There are still so many characters that need more of an explanation, I'd love to know more about the girl who apologises a lot and I told you last week how much I love the people running the book store. I guess I just want to know about everyone, I really do think we'll learn more or have more about Little Miss Shining at some point so I'd hope by the end of the series we'd get more on most of the characters.
As I said the high point of the episode was some real Natsuno moments, they didn't last long but it is nice to see she might actually be a real human being with real human emotions. I know we've seen them before in her and we've seen that she feels guilt and all that by the way she is with Harumi after figuring out he's the man that saved her life but it is nice to see the softer side of her and not the murderous side... Of course the murderous side came out seconds later but you know what I mean.
A good strong episode all around. Like a few of the series I'm watching there isn't one overall point, it isn't one long story or an "arc" it is more "a different adventure every week" type thing with a few two/three parters thrown in. I guess this is what I like about it, I'll be able to come back to it in time and just watch it for the sake of watching an episode or two, a lot of the series I watch you can't do that.
I'm highly enjoying the series and have high hopes for it!
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