So I've babbled on about the Grand Magic Games and the Dragon arc in Fairy Tail since it ended but I thought I'd write a last blog to get off my chest what I felt was a bad arc (in a way.)
First off it went on WAY too long.
It started off quite exciting, you had all the heartbreak of the guys who went missing coming back to the Guild 7 years later, the games started off pretty awesomely as well and the biggest strength was the new characters we got to meet (and the old character we got to see again MEN!!!!)
So it started off well and then the final day of the games come....
Everything since then has felt really rushed and forced. And I'm going behind the tag now to avoid spoilers if you haven't read the arc yet fully.
It started with the end of the last day. Sting stood back so that he could defeat the last man standing, it just so happened to be all of the members of Fairy Tail, all injured after their own fights and hardly able to stand. I'd have liked to see something more then Sting gives up and suddenly Lecter appears out of Milliana's back. That was rushed to a/ end the games and b/ have a happy ending.
Now leading up to the Dragons and just after the Dragons arriving everything but the above story was running fine. I mean I guess I disliked how they dragged Erza's story on all over New Year and I didn't like the end of that much but it wasn't bad just dragged out.
The Dragons arrive, Cobra gets let out to join the fun and we have Seven Dragon Slayers against Seven Dragons...
And we didn't get to see a proper battle. Yeah we saw a little flash of this character and that character and a lot of Natsu saving the day but no real battles. A totally wasted opportunity.
THEN along that we had the EXTREMELY disappointing stuff with Milliana and Jellal, just because Ultear blamed herself for what happened Milliana is OK with that? A good fight was taken from us for a rushed ending, would rather Milliana never saw Jellal then have that weak plot line.
Lets not go into the whole naked Lucy thing or the fact she disappeared only to return with the answer to their wishes and Natsu luckily does the one thing they needed him to do.
The minor other story point that was annoying was not killing off Gray. I'm happy he isn't dead, don't get me wrong, he's one of my favorite characters but there is also this little bit of me that kind of hoped they'd be brave enough to attempt it. They weren't.
Separately these things probably wouldn't annoy me but together and with a long drawn out story like this one it did. Lets not forget since Christmas till a few weeks ago we were still on the same day! One day stretched forever on wards and the arc just kind of fizzled out. I was not happy with the ending and my enthusiasm wasn't that high.
Now this doesn't mean I hated it or I dislike Fairy Tail, I wouldn't carry on writing about it if I disliked it. I was disappointed but just around the corner came a story line that I love so far which feels much more Fairy Tail like!
Personally I wouldn't have had the Grand Magic Games and the Dragons together like that, I'd have had the last day end, celebrations THEN the Dragons let loose afterwards. I'd have then had it over a few days and we got to see the Dragon Slayers fighting the Dragons, they didn't have to win but we could actually you know see some battles. I mean they let Cobra free and we saw him once or twice as a flash then he went back willingly to prison!
So to sum up why I was disappointed...
A dragged out story that by the end of it lost the heart of the anime. The jokes felt forced, the stories ended abruptly taking all the built up tension away in seconds and eventually it just felt like they got bored and wanted to move on.
I know a lot of fans felt that way.
I love Fairy Tail and am grateful to have a chapter a week and there were so many brilliant parts of these arcs, but if you wonder why I'm so happy right now with the story then this is why. After so long of this arc we finally have the Fairy Tail feel back!
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