Episode 8
OH NO! Someone has kidnapped Fuyumi! Not good.
So now Staz is on the case and Liz after a night with her other brother will be returning to Braz... Who is being quite shifty himself.
So... Liz arrives home to find out that no one knows her brother returned, Beros (a guard of some sort) says she is allowed back in and takes her back to her castle.
Turns out that they are the Acropolis police and they want her brother Braz. Apparently Wolf-Daddy the king of the Demon World Acopolis wants to see him. Turns out he's working with Frankenstein on Akim. What is he up to?
So Braz goes, kind of quietly and leaves Liz in charge of the house. I'm not sure he's being very nice about it either!
Liz phones Staz and tells him that Braz has been arrest and that she can't tell where Fuyumi is because she's in pitch blackness. Wherever Staz has ended up is a bit scary to be honest with... Beach bum..... Fish men? And a snowman!
The snowman has his business card and it turns out the kidnapper is somewhere that Staz probably won't be able to get to.
So what about the kidnapper and Fuyumi? Well he's got her in a grid room like Bell put Staz in, he accesses it with a blanket and to be fair fed her ramen as well!
Fuyumi gets free enough to ring her bell three times for Hydra bell.... Who just so happens to be the kidnappers sister! Turns out their mum wants her, and now Staz is angry...
I never really did like Bell and now she's shot Staz and hidden him in her grid room. What is wrong with her? So Bell finally gets angry about him not liking her the way she likes him and demands he fights her. She thinks she's got the better of Staz but he finally gets a real grip on her just for her to transport herself out of his grasp..... Without her lower clothes.
Knell is taking Fuyumi somewhere and it looks really nice, but she's just panicking!
So Staz thinks her special treasure is her pants... Turns out she was a treasure book in the bag he has which tells of how much she feels about Staz. Awwww!
Yeah I've never really liked Bell so this is actually.... Not my type of thing. The episode started so well! And to be fair I did kinda like how the fight was ended, but more Staz and Bell. I was hoping that was over with!
I am much more interested in knowing what Braz is up to now that I know that Fuyumi doesn't actually seem to be in danger right now. On the other hand Braz seems to be in considerable trouble!
So it is illegal to come and go as you please in Acropolis? Why? Surely if only the best of the best live there as long as it is just you then you'll be fine? Guess not! And seeing that Braz has brought home Frankenstein and his monster.... OK maybe their concern could be a real thing, specially with Braz.
Talking of Frank I'm guessing they are planning on adding Fuyumi's essence (no jokes please) to Akim to make him unstoppable?! So does this mean we'll get a super powered Akim v now not so super looking Staz?
And Wolf-Daddy? Do the werewolves just have no names?
I liked the episode, loved the opening, the middle was alright and by the end other than the sniggering over the panties joke there wasn't much more there to keep me interested. Hydra Bell is just hard to like, she hasn't been consistent and it feels like not only does she jump about in time and space with her magic but her sense does within the stories. I find it hard to care whether she likes Staz or not to be frank!
But I am looking forward to mama!
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