19 August 2013

Blood Lad : Liz, For the first time

Episode 7

Last episode Akim was defeated by over powerful Staz and we got some family love between the Vampires.

Now that Staz has defeated Akim will they be able to resurrect Fuyumi?!


So Staz has taken the family to meet Fuyumi.

And we go right back to East Demon World to where Staz is the boss and his gang are waiting! Good to see the gang again after soo long! And what has happened to them? Deku looks real beaten up.

Bell pulls Staz aside to tell us the obvious, that she doesn't trust Braz, I do though he's my favorite character... One of many... Along with Liz.

She gives Staz a bell for Fuyumi, if Fuyumi needs her all she has to do is ring the bell three times and she'll show up. Back with the others and Staz's minions bring in Fuyumi's bones for Braz to look over, he then needs to take a sample of Fuyumi's magic so that he can figure out how to transfer it back into a replica body and turn it into a soul. This of course means he has to get Staz to strip her, of course it does.

Whilst he's leaving he tells them that Liz wants to stay and see East Demon world so Braz is leaving her with them. Turns out that his brother wanted a bit of her magic because it has Staz's DNA in it now (well magical essence.) Turns out (kind of like I guessed) she didn't want to see East Demon world she's been sent there by Braz.

Whilst Staz is off hanging with the boys Fuyumi is looking after Liz.  All the while some blonde dude is stalking them all.

In the morning there is a note trying to make us believe that Fuyumi has run away but the kidnapper isn't fooling anyone.

So we are off south to find the guy that looks like he'd "listen to British Rock"...

I'm going to be honest, I miss Wolf-boy with Fuyumi and am starting to realize that Fuyumi is best when she isn't with Staz. In fact most of the characters are better without him. I loved seeing Fuyumi and Liz spending time together this episode as I have done with Wolf and Fuyumi spending time together.

Thing is I don't really dislike Staz so it isn't anything to do with his character.

Oh well, I'm also very happy Bell wasn't in it too much she does tend to... Stop it from flowing. I know its her magic but her popping up in the middle of situations or messing about the way she does just isn't enjoyable for me all the time. Its OK once in a while but not all the bloody time!

Nice to see his gang back though, nice to see not much has changed, though I'd like to see why they seemed to be beaten up!

So it looks like it is possible that Braz is going to do something "evil" later in the season. Who wants to bet he puts Akim back together and injects him with Staz's magic? I'd think that would be pretty cool.

In the meantime we've got blondie to worry about. What the heck would he want with Fuyumi? It can't be common knowledge that she's there let alone who and what she is. I'd be happier if Staz was the one kidnapped and the guys had to find him, I say it a lot but I don't really like "super powered" guys being the ones that save the day all the time. I like the under dogs winning from time to time (I will be writing a blog on Monsters University at some point which does this brilliantly!)

The episode was good, it kind of ended up one plot point and nicely went into another one without it feeling forced or rushed. It gave the season a breathing point between "how are we going to resurrect Fuyumi" to "Oh no something else has happened!"

I found the episode very enjoyable and it will be good fun to watch it from beginning to end all the way through without having to wait a week to see what happens next as the episodes have all flown together quite nicely.

Still love the vampires!

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