25 July 2013

Work, who needs it?

So work has hit a new low this week. After doing a seven day week (Wednesday to this Tuesday) having one day off (yesterday) and coming back for two more days (today and tomorrow) I feel like someone, somewhere should be thankful that the 14 hour a week part timer is, you know, pulling her weight in hard times.

Are they thankful?

Like hell they are!

***BEWARE : No spoilers in this blog but a rant that might sound stupid and childish but I need it off my chest!***

So whats going on?

Well my two weeks on holiday started THE holiday period. When I got back our Assistant Manager was off for a week, now our manager is off for two, followed by our Supervisor straight after, then our Warehouse Manager (more on him later!) and then I think maybe our Supervisor again... Or that could be the end of it for now.

That in itself isn't a biggie.

If you know me you know that our last Assistant Manager bullied me so badly that I had server panic attacks when I had to work with him (every... single... Thursday...) he left (and earned himself the nickname Tragic) in January. It took our wonderful Area Manager (and no I don't know why I'm capitalizing their staff titles, maybe because I won't name them their titles are now their names) until APRIL to even interview for a new Assistant Manager. In that time obviously I did every hour of over time that I could possibly do and never once complained.

After he finally hired our new Assistant Manager he decided our shop was a "sleeping giant" and all we needed was another Warehouse Man.

Personally I rolled my eyes, been there done that! To be perfectly honest we don't need one but hey ho.

So within a month he'd upgraded our old Warehouse Man to Warehouse Supervisor/Manager and hired a new part time Warehouse Man.

And guess what? It meant muggins here had to OPEN AND CLOSE the store on a Sunday with the new Warehouse Man. Only us two PART TIMERS were ever going to be in on a Sunday. I work 14 flippin' hours for the company and they put all that responsibilities on my shoulders. No extra hours, no pay rises like our Warehouse Supervisor got, no, I just got the big responsibilities and had to get on with life.

Now the new part time Warehouse Man is bloody useless! Lovely guy but he doesn't want to work. In fact out of the four people that went for the job the two who they were debating over employing were the two laziest people I've ever met.

Anywho.... So the part time Warehouse Man then got a lot of over time in other stores, fair play to him he went and did it. I didn't really want to hear how our Area Manager who makes life difficult for me was giving him basically a second job because he liked him when I have to struggle on 14 hours but that is life!

I went on holiday for two weeks and our Warehouse Supervisor ends up (once again) on sick leave! Yes this means that Warehouse Man gets full time hours for six weeks. Me? I get my normal overtime, 4 hours here, 4 hours there a couple of 7 hour days (amazingly most of the last week of over time for me has been 7 hours, makes a change!) nowhere near full time hours though.

And what happens?

Well first off the store is forced to implement a stupid rule that means our Warehouse is packed.

What makes it worse?

The Warehouse Man doesn't want to do any bloody work!

And now because he hasn't done any work we have our Area Manager down nearly every other day, our Assistant Manager is in a flap (and she means well and is lovely I have no problem with her to be honest) and me who has had one day off in the last 8 and is running around every day like a headless duck is just taken for granted.

I'm so angry with it that I feel like just not bothering with my overtime tomorrow even though I need the money!

I know you're not meant to talk about work on these things because if you do and they find out you can get fired etc, but at this moment in time I really couldn't care.

As I said my Assistant Manager is lovely and in her own way I guess she probably is grateful for the extra help I've given her, because to be honest there are some jobs I did today that she didn't even know I could do and I could just play dumb to computer stuff and say I can't figure it out as well. But no I went out of my way to make her life as easy as possible in a tough time. I don't feel like I got anything back other then the news I'll get my Area Manager (who hates me personally) telling me how terrible I am because I'm not cheating the system like his favorite store does (if I ever do get fired... Ohhh now there is a blog!)

Tomorrow if I hear any sarky comments, any "well this store is better because" comments or the Warehouse Man being a twat I might just tell the whole lot of them how I feel!

Thing is our Area Manager won't care if he gets to fire me or I walk out, I know I'm replaceable but he shouldn't make me feel like that! He does all the time but to be honest I do my job bloody well and I'm always that extra bit helpful because I like everyone I work with.

I've got to the point where I'm going away on Saturday and just feel like it will be ruined by work. I want to find the courage to ask for photos with some of the guests (and a certain David Tennant look-a-like/costumer) but I probably will be a wreck by the end of tomorrow! I already feel one of my migraines coming on and if I have it all tomorrow I'll be in no mood for life on Saturday.

So if anyone stumbles on this blog going to Weston-Super-Mares Stars of Time on Saturday take a good look at the photo of me with Colin Baker, if you are a lovely person and you see me sulking around the edges looking glum take pity. As nearly every single person in retail I'm the downtrodden worker and I've had a terrible week! Lets hope something nice happens on Saturday!

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