Lament 2
So... The series that is all about me... Well unpopular girls in general.
Last episode I was nearly in tears as I felt the pain of the main character. Girl... We have all been there (some of us unfortunately never grow out of it I fear) will she ever succeed in talking to people?
"What? Why is my phone going off by itself?" hahaha that is quite funny. Someone is asking her if she's free on Saturday? Her plain and geeky high school friend... Ohhh no.
The opening credits is just so cool.
She decides to live twice as much before Saturday but instead eats too much and throws up. Yeah, that happens a lot. She wants to be class mascot for eating? The thought of school trips and pairing up seems to send her over the edge so she goes to the nurse's office. I'm not sure lying in a bed next to someone is "sleeping" with them though, but the fact she's about to tell her friend on Saturday she "slept" with a guy. Then she starts staring at a girls underwear to see what a girlfriend wears. I never went that far to be honest, I did always wonder what they did to be so different but I never cared about their underwear.
Hehehe fantasy dream, yeah we've all been there.
So she gets sent to the faculty room and comes face to face with the guy she "slept" with both who are told they have to do the portrait assignment after school. Her real life fantasy isn't half as fun as her fantasy, fantasy. I want to see the picture that "Fatso" drew it must be something for her to be so happy about it!
Yeah her geeky friend has turned super cute! Underneath she seems to have stayed the same and enjoyed spending time together. Ahhhh being a geek is brilliant! Yuu seems to miss being around her so even though she seemed to have "changed" she's still a geek at heart. Pretty sad for Tomoko though that she couldn't have that friendship at school. Again... Yeah my friend went all the way to Truro for secondary school.
Ohhh no.... Yuu was depressed because she fought with her first boyfriend... Poor Tomoko back to square one!
Awww the drawing that "Fatso" drew was really quite sweet! Until you find out that he was just drawing the one face he can draw the fastest. Again... Poor Tomoko (yes this all probably happened to me so what!)
I have a great love of this anime purely because I was the unpopular one and I already said all this last blog so won't bore you with that.
I love how I relate to the main character, she reads too much into things and she fantasizes all the time but most of all she's just lonely. Everyone around her seems to strive after getting to high school but she's in a slump. I like how brutally realistic that is to probably many people in the world. I'd have hated being in a class and having to pair up to do portraits! I hated it at the best of time when I was told I had to pair up. Though I did enjoy class trips and was even the only girl from my year group to do a D-Day landings tour with our school.
I found it pretty sad that she tried so hard to make something in a week happen to impress her friend when in the end the thing that impressed her most was just being herself. It is easier to say then do though as a lot of people can't just *be* their selves no matter how hard they try. People would probably like me if I could just be myself but I can't so there isn't much point in pretending that if I were just myself around them (typed like a true Janner) then I'd be popular.
I can't, so I'm not.
The whole thing with "Fatso" is funny because it does happen, you look for anyone to pair yourself up to and even the ones you think are "below" you in a way actually wouldn't touch you with a barge pole!
I guess I love watching this series purely because it does feel like my life, it is something that I can relate to and something that I can get behind.
I'm still not sure whether I want her to become popular or find happiness in unpopular-ness. I guess she'll be my role model if she becomes popular...
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