What a long title! And I thought the last one was long (and messy.)
I've seen photos of this that look like it'll be weird and wonderful but other then a few random screencaps I have nothing to go on.
Oh no this seems to be a anime based on me. How very unkind they are...
AWESOME opening credits but it had me at the beginning. I was unpopular and went weeks without talking to anyone at school, I used to sit in the Library at breaks and do my work.
Again I relate so well, you make yourself sit there and believe that just because they are comfortable acting like sluts that you are still going to survive (I know its mean but I'd hope that she doesn't become popular just because unpopular people tend to stay umpopular all through school and come used to it.)
Power to the recluses!
I've never seen a dating sim before in my life and doubt I'd ever have bothered with one I was happy enough with Final Fantasy.
She even has a popular brother who doesn't understand anything she's going through!
After talking to a teacher then a hot guy in a shop she goes to a book store. Yeah her big day out doesn't go as planned but at least she falls in love with hamburgers. Ohhh please god no she wasn't doing that face whilst dressed like that to run by them! Thankfully they didn't realize it was her, but her brother kind of notices her.... Why do her and her brother always have bags under their eyes?
OK that seemed to leave me giving you my life history, it isn't that dissimilar to the girl in the anime to be totally truthful. Not that you will be surprised by that by the fact I run a blog that has nothing of interest on it!
Of course I will be watching the anime of my life! As I said I'd like it if it turned out she learnt to love her life like I did and find weird friends (mine were online) and realize she might miss out on a "normal" life but you end up with something unique anyway. I doubt she will but hey! Here's hoping.
I liked it, it was very weird and quite sad but at the same time very funny. The main character is a really great one and compared to everything else I've seen so far this anime is unique!
It has quite a strange style to it too. It looks so different to the other anime's and has a really cool charm to it. Definitely something made for people just like me.
I love her relationship with her brother, he doesn't seem too bad even if their lives are a million miles apart from each other he seems to have the sense to realize that she's just lonely. I feel sorry for him too though having to deal with that face! I hope she never EVER does it again. EVER!
Another really decent looking anime and I hope the story carries on being so fun and... Familiar.
It really is a nice change of pace from the magical girls and everyone has a friend type animes to have just a normal teenage girl that has to face high school on her lonesome and learn to fit in. Some people it comes naturally just to be a recluse you know! We didn't wake up one day and decide to become one we just grew into it slowly.
Prepare to spend the whole series being told how I've done exactly what she has done!
***NERD ANNA FACT : I didn't get on a bus by myself until I was 17 because I was too afraid to ask a driver for a bus ticket****
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