Episode 4
So they have the "Inner Parlor" now on to the fire festival!
We start with Yasaburo inviting the Professor to join them on the Inner Parlor that night, he says no but Yasaburo knows different.
The Professor did come, I feel sorry for him having to deal with the brothers who are all weird, that is if he ever makes it to the Inner Parlor. Stubborn old fool! Yaichiro just looks funny transformed into some kind of Buddha.
Off they fly then! On the booze powered Inner Parlor. Suddenly they come up against their old friends the Ebisugawa (the family with those two stupid brothers) and they are basically in a pirate ship.
We get a flashback to when Yasaburo's father helped the Professor take control back of his mountain, it is pretty awesome, he turned himself into the mountain for a whole week! A MOUNTAIN!
Benten is on the Ebisugawa ship, ohh that women! And suddenly the fireworks start to be aimed at the Inner Parlor, all out war starts , fireworks... Lots of pretty fireworks. Then the Inner Parlor gets caught and dragged in but Benten has left Yasaburo her fan.
Safe to say we win!
We also crash... And Yasaburo lost Bentens fan (as well as destroyed the Inner Parlor) ohh noes!
That was a fun episode, it really does strive on just having characters doing wonderful and random things together. I really enjoy watching the episode and the mini-feud between them and their uncle, man their uncle is a nasty bit of work!
Benten is slowly becoming my favorite character along with Yaichiro. I don't know, I like how she's really not as bad as she seems, she is still bad but not quite as bad as the first episode made her out to be. I'd like to know what she really feels especially about the Professor.
And why do I call him a Professor? There are so many names to remember it is just easier that way!
A really nice episode, watched back to back with last episode and it is even better. I love the magic in the series, it isn't in your face or really used to much more than to have a good time. Just sweet.
And that is really what Uchouten Kazoku is, it is a sweet anime, it isn't in your face, it isn't confusing, you just follow the characters and enjoy yourself.
I really feel this series is getting stronger as it goes on, there are a few wobbles here and there and it might not be as attention grabbing as some other shows but it is nice and easy to follow and just there. You could just pick any random episode and watch it and have 20+ minutes of happiness without having to remember what the characters were doing the episode before.
I'm still wondering about this Love Story theme I think will be there by the end.
I just want more on Benten. Looks like I might get my wish next week!
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