9 July 2013

One Piece : The Pirate King and the Great Swordsman

Chapter 5

Last chapter Coby got attacked whilst helping Zoro and Luffy ran off with Helmeppo to find Zoro's katana and to force him to join his crew. Whilst doing so he destroyed Lieutenant Morgans statue of himself.... Will he survive another chapter?


So apparently the sword is in Helmeppo's room which they've already run past but the way is blocked by Marines. Luffy uses his brains and uses Helmeppo as a human shield...

Back in the yard and Coby is down with a wound but won't leave Zoro who is still under the impression that he'll be freed in a month. Coby finally sets him right about that one though and begs him to help Luffy if he sets him free. They get cornered by Marines but I think Zoro is having second thoughts about Luffy after hearing he punched Helmeppo in the face on his behalf.

Back to Luffy himself and he's found the katana, but there are three in the room and he doesn't know which one is which. He gets distracted by the fuss outside, Morgan is demanding that the base be surrounded so that Luffy doesn't escape and he also can see that they are planning on killing Zoro and Coby.

Zoro can't die as he made a promise, which takes us to a flash back of Zoro being beaten by a girl called Kuina whilst he's using double blades (are all the katana's going to be his?) after being defeated at the Dojo he challenges Kuina to a duel with real katana's which she wins and then tells him that she's starting to grow into a women therefore will stop winning soon, she want's to be the greatest swordsman just like Zoro.

The promise? For one of them to become the best swordsman in the world.

That night she died so he decided to become the best swordsman so that "even heaven will hear of my great name!"

Such a sad story!

Luffy saves the day with his rubberness and gives Zoro his three katanas. Zoro also decides he'll become a pirate (mainly because you know the Marines are worse then Luffy and he'll be an outlaw or dead anyway.)

Next chapter will be the fight back!

If I didn't already like Zoro I would have now, he has the best back story so far out of the three main characters they've introduced. Very sad, gives you a reason to be behind him. I still love Coby and think he's sweet but Zoro's cause is so easy to get behind.

Though it is funny how she "fell down the stairs" the night she made that promise and died, you'd think they would have given it a few years and have her die in a battle instead? Somehow strangely refreshing though seeing you'd THINK she'd have died in a battle a few years later, and the morale to Zoro is life is fragile.

I am now hooked on the series, it has lived up to everything I've been told (other then someone saying its boring it isn't boring) I like the characters well enough, it hasn't got the feeling of Fairy Tail but it has something that will hopefully grow. I mean to stick with it for another 700 odd chapters I'll have to find that love that I have with Fairy Tail.

I'm happy we get to leave Helmeppo behind soon because I really have taken a dislike to him, such a creepy and ugly character!

Morgan is still the coolest looking bad guy but so far hasn't done much that you'd describe as cool to be totally honest. I guess (or hope) this is a starting up period and the bad guys become a little more full on later because if this is the way it will stay it might meet that boring prediction I've been given! I'm not saying it will just that it might.

The story is quite fun though and can't wait to read the next chapter! Find out how they all get on and I really want to see Zoro use his three blades!

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