Chapter 7
The Marines, Lieutenant Morgan and Helmeppo are all defeated and Luffy has his first member of crew. What is next for the crew?
The Marines are happy to see Morgan down, finally they are out of his control. This makes Coby very happy!
Riku's mum makes them all something to eat and they get down to business. Our next adventure is heading for "The Grand Line" which makes Coby go crazy again. Coby is leaving *sad Anna* and now he has his first two friends who he'll worry about even though he isn't going with them. They taught him to live by his dreams. Zoro points out that Coby is already a pirate so won't be let into the Marines and if by magic the Marines come in and tell them that they can't stay any longer.
The Marine asks Coby if he is with them and Luffy goes on about how he was with Albida for two years so Coby punches him. Afterwards he realizes it was so that the Marines thought they weren't friends the Marines know of his past though but they still let him join after hearing the passion in his voice as he tells them it was his dream to be a Marine.
Whilst Luffy and Zoro make their leave Coby comes and salutes them and tells them he'll never forget them, then the rest of the Marines come up and salute them and they sale off to the Grand Line.
This was the day I was in fear of and it came in chapter 7. Sad, sad chapter that it is! I am happy that Coby got his dream fulfilled and hope that he does become more independent and strong willed, hopefully he will meet them again and be stronger and happy in his dream. I really wish the story followed Coby... Not because I dislike Zoro or Luffy but because its Coby!
It was nice to see Luffy stop being a bit of a dick towards Coby, giving him the one thing Coby never had. A friend. It is the first step towards his dream really because Luffy was able to help him on that path.
But where one door closes another opens and Luffy and Zoro are on their way to a new adventure.
Pretty much a chapter to fill a gap between one adventure and another with a sad goodbye. I really did want Coby to stay but it was obvious he was going.
So now what? We are still looking for another member and going towards the place full of dangerous pirates. I wonder what kind of character our next member will have! I mean we have the ever optimistic and happy Luffy and the more laid back and hard Zoro I'll be interested in seeing what the next one is.
Still the adventure goes on strong enough, I can't wait for the next chapter and love the characters so far.
Happy days.
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