2 July 2013

Karneval : Noise (Manga)

Chapter 3

Gareki and Nai enter a train to run from the Security Force who are after Nai after Nai was set up for murdering a member of the security force. What could possibly go wrong next?


Nai hears a noise but Gareki can't hear anything and finally he realizes that they are alone on the train. Gareki decides to go off and find out what is happening but just then a man crashes through the train carriages roof. Obviously Nai and Gareki don't know who it is but we know its Hirato from Circus. He tackles Gareki thinking that he is the look out but then notices Nai with his boarding tickets but the noise has brought the actual look outs to their carriage.

Hirato drags the culprits away and Gareki is left trying to figure out what is going on. The people that have taken over the train have a CEO captive and the guy that attacked him is here to save the CEO. But whilst Gareki is running it through his head Nai runs off towards the noise that he's heard.

In the front carriage and the CEO a girl and the girl that was with Hirato are all tied up. The workers want the CEO to take responsibility for the mess their lives have become,  it turns out that they needed to cutback on the staff to ensure the company survived. The girl with the CEO is his grand-daughter and he asks them isn't bringing her into all this the same as what he did.

Gareki and Nai are watching through a window into the carriage and after telling Nai that the girl is shivering because she's scared and Nai remembering how Gareki made him less scared when he saved him he runs into the carriage. Nai and Gareki get chased out of the carriage and Hirato sends Tsukumo to follow them. Hirato notices that the leader has some sort of detonator and takes it off him and the leader explains that it has already been pressed and that the train is set to explode from back to front. They always meant to kill themselves and the CEO.

Tsukumo saves the boys from their pursuers but it is Nai that saves them all after hearing the bomb detonate before it explodes and pushing Gareki and Tsukumo to the floor. Hirato comes to find them to get them off the train but Nai stops where he can hear the strange sound, Hirato takes them to the front carriage and tells them what happened and suddenly Gareki realizes that the sound that Nai can hear is the component to the bomb, they take Hirato to the coupling it is attached to and Hirato severs the carriages whilst Gareki works on the signals.

Off the train and Hirato has told Gareki and Nai to wait for him but Gareki decides to make a run for it as he doesn't trust Hirato. Whilst they are running away Hirato is trying to talk to the CEO but he makes his excuses and leaves before he can be interviewed. In his car and the CEO isn't as innocent as he looked, he wanted to see what Circus had in store for him and he asks his "doctor" to go fetch Nai.

Tsukumo tells Hirato that the boys have gone and he pulls out their arrest warrant....

This happens pretty much exactly as it does in the anime with a few little bits different, not much different mind you but small bits.

Again it makes the characters a lot more likable, Hirato isn't so.... Uppity like he is in the anime, he's much more friendly and down to earth. He's just as bad ass though.

So the question is what is up with Nai that he can hear the smallest of sounds that no one else could possibly hear? Yes I know that I know that answer but this is the question that the manga is asking.

I do find Nai a lot more interesting and likable in the manga, he isn't just clueless and boring he has a lot more to him. It really probably is purely because we're in their head as well. Gareki is so far the best character and it adds such a layer to him in the manga that we only glimpse in the anime (and it makes for very moody moments that take you out of the episode).

So we now know there is a bad guy (the CEO), good guys (Circus) and then our guys (Team Nareki... Yes I just made that up and I'm proud!) but what will happen and why are Circus looking at the CEO's company? Shouldn't they have been on the side of the workers? What is going on?!

Chapter 4 will be up after Penguindrum later tonight!

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