Episode 1
So the first of this seasons reviews. As I said I won't carry on with probably most of these, only the ones I find interesting, I also am trying not to do reviews on second seasons, even if I watch the first episode and enjoy it, mainly because I'll have to watch the first season first.
I have no idea what any of these episodes are going to be like so the first time I do this who is with me?
A quick look for "Inu" tells me it is about the relationship between and author and her dog. This might interest me if this is true because I've just got a pet dog and grew up with dogs so lets give it a go shall we?
(PS if anyone here actually does read my blog regulary and I say at the end of an episode I won't be reviewing it yet they are watching and would like company and my opinions then just say and I'll carry on watching!)
"This is a story about books. Of writing or dying. A story of reading or dying."
The dog is talking! The dog talks! Right away it makes me laugh, she's trying to kill him with scissors, she wants to know if he wants to try dying. This is such a strange way to start but its got me interested!
The dog is called Harumi Kazhuti. Apparently he was human not that long ago.
The anime is actually called Dog and Scissors in English by the look of it and OMG the opening is wonderful! So far this is getting such high marks just for being oddly weird! If all I'd seen was the opening credits I would have watched it just for that!
So a guy is running chanting books, again this seems to be something I'll enjoy greatly. He enters a book shop and buys a load of books before heading off home. WOW I want to live in his house full of books! He lives in Tokoyo on his own and his favorite author is Akiyama Shinobu, a best selling author who no one knows anything about, are we guessing this is either the girl or the dog?!
Suddenly whilst sat in a cafe a guy suddenly starts to rob the place, he saves the life of the girl that has the dog who is sat ignoring them all and writing, he gets a graze from a bullet for his trouble and then... Shot in the head. WAIT A MOMENT this is how the dog turned into a dog right? (Before anyone says "the voices" I'm partially deaf and can't tell if voices sound the same, especially today when my ear is blocked so yes I was being thick!)
Yes he's the dog and he suddenly remembering people, but what keeps him alive is Shinobu's last book in the series of "Deadly Sins" named "Lust" he can't die before he's read it.
He wakes up thinking he's alive whilst some guy with the biggest afro in the world keeps calling him a dog. "I'm a dog!" yes you are also about as fast on the uptake that I seem to be!
Hehe he's more upset by not having read in a week then being a dog, Afro is such a sweet heart though! He saved the little doggy and looks after him it is the sweetest thing ever I love the Afro guy!
Suddenly in walks the girl, the girl he died for. "Sorry to keep you waiting. The protagonist has arrived" she seems to have been looking for Harumi and uses her scissors to get him. She wants to kill the dog and has him hung up and seems to be able to read his mind.
Basically since he died and been reborn as a dog his voice has been in her head so she wants him to die because she wants him to shut up.
And her name is Natsuno Kirihime. "My occupation is being a woman."
The penny finally drops but it doesn't make her any happier! She leaves the dog hanging and goes and has a shower. So she tells him to stay with her and gives him the books that he craves and yes I was right she is Shinobu. We get an explanation of pen names before the dog loses his little doggy mind.
Apparently they've gone to settle a score, what that score is I don't know!
So that is it for the first episode...
There isn't much I disliked about it, the characters are all a lot of fun, the premise is quite cute and it is easy to fall in love with the story.
Easily understandable, boy who loves books saves his favorite author but can't die until he's read her final book so gets "reborn" as a dog and has a link to his favorite author who then "adopts" him unwillingly (she wanted to kill him until she realized that he saved her) and I'm guessing slowly something akin to respect and friendship will blossom?
The dog amazingly is very relate-able for me. I'd hate to die without seeing the last Discworld book and am so proud of all the points on my Waterstones card. Even though what happened to him is a bit weird his actual story is something so sweet and so believable.
I'm not sure about the love of scissors the author has but as the show is entitled "Dog and Scissors"... Well its there in the title!
I'm guessing that they will go and confront the bad guy next episode? Hope they do!
And yes that is a "Must Watch" sticker straight away. So we have our first anime of the Summer Season sorted!
From now on the blog will be called "Dog & Scissors" for ease of me writing it.
I'm thinking Mondays for the review to come out as that is when it seems to be posted online. I'll have a review of episode two up before the weekend though or else it'll be pushed back to the Monday with episode three hopefully (baring in mind I'm back at work on Sunday!)
So yes wonderfully funny and can't wait to see what happens next!
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