Episode 1
I have heard good things about this one and been told that it would be one I'll be happy to watch so lets see if this turns out to be true!
Starts off good enough, this music sounds like Lord of the Rings when they are in the Shire! Nice animation and the first character we meet is really nice ad helps a pregnant women up the stairs with her shopping. She's going to a Fortune Telling class?
OMG the opening credits! This is more like it! After two shows that didn't really hit the spot this gets my interest right from the start!
Ohhh the girl is actually doing Tarot readings! Interesting.
She also seems to have someone following her when she's on her way home. For some reason her bedroom is a jungle and she gets tangled in everything. She's brought the girl she's living with a present, a cute little flower broach. Akari is the name of the main girl. Fuyuna is the name of the girl that she's living with.
Akari seem to know everything there is to know about fortune telling and I think they might be cousins seeing that Akari said she had to get home to her Aunt. I feel sorry for Fuyuna who see doesn't seem to have a hobby but probably is forced to be brilliant at school.
My middle sister who I hated used to be the one with all the hobbies including Yogi cards. Not the same thing but if I ever asked for something like that it was under the condition that I always got A's and even then I never actually got anything when I did do well. It might not be the same for Fuyuna but if she feels that way it can hurt. The thing is Akari is in a room full of plants, her Uncle was talking about how it was good for girls to have hobbies and then Fuyuna was put in the position where she had to admit she didn't have any whilst being chided by her mother (in a nice way) to make sure her grades don't drop if she gets one. We then go to the bedrooms where Akari is playing with her Tarot cards and Fuyuna is hard at work. I feel for her it does feel a lot like what happened to me as a kid.
Again at school the next day girls come over to say well done to Fuyuna for coming first but suddenly get distracted by Akari telling people's fortunes.
Yeah again I feel for Fuyuna having someone who seems to have their dream laid at their feet telling them that that is all they have whilst she is smart so can do whatever she wants. It doesn't work that way the harder you work it seems the worse you get! Fuyuna seems to snap in the night and cuts the plant that has been sneaking into her bedroom.
Next day Akari is talking to someone in a shop when suddenly the handbrake in a truck goes up and the truck rolls backwards towards Akari.
I do love the animation that shows Fuyuna going crazy though. I have more sympathy for her then Akari to be honest. Akari suddenly gets attacked by a giant plant thing but her Tarot's come to life and destroys it for her... Or something like that, it is quite confusing but also totally awesome. When she wakes up she see's the flower that she brought Fuyuna on the floor being surrounded by blood and there lies Fuyuna's dead body. Then we relive the day without Fuyuna.
The mansion that she does her Tarot reading at is on fire and her friends are still inside. Suddenly she is attacked and then three other girls pop out of nowhere.
So yes... It is quite... Mysterious I guess. There is something in there that just makes no sense whatsoever. Suddenly her cousin goes crazy and attacks her and then she's been erased from time and no one is the wiser. Are the girls coming from her Tarot cards? I'm guessing not because earlier in the show one of them was walking along the road with her so I doubt that it is all to do with the Tarot cards.
I have to say that I really enjoyed the episode even if it got a bit crazy during the middle and end. I'm guessing it'll all become a little clearer later in the series. I'd like to know what actually ended up happening to Fuyuna because I liked her character (as you kind of guessed.)
The characters are cool and I love the animation so it has enough that I would have carried on watching it whether or not I cared if I understood the weird goings on.
The story was pretty wonderful from the off though and everything from its style to the weird ass story has made me enjoy the first episode greatly.
And dead bodies in the first episode!! There aren't many animes that have that level of... Violence in the first episode. Its usually a monster that ends up not bleeding, not being seen to be killed or else disappearing after they've been destroyed. This one didn't bother to just introduce characters it killed and then erased one from memory! Creepy and weird but also very, VERY cool!
I really enjoyed this episode and will obviously be watching more of it! It just seems like a very nice anime.
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