Episode One
Another anime that looks to be full of girls. Really don't know much about this one either (theme of the whole thing, next season I'll have to read previews!) but lets give it a whirl!
So a girl is watching a horror movie on TV, safe to say the horror movie looks super cool and I wish that was coming out as an anime this season as it was really super creepy!
I have had that feeling before getting scared of something then doing a mad dash just to bump into someone and scaring myself even more. Very common!
Opening credits don't fill me with joy. There is only so much magical girls stuff or school girl stuff I can deal with so there needs to be something special to make this one stand out. Especially as this looks very.... Sparkly. It looks very My Little Pony in human form which isn't something I'm interested in. I don't really do cute feel good things.
Anyway she is a card player and dreams of winning a tournament. Too cutie-fied for words it is really hard for me to sit and watch it with this stupid music in the background. I'm sorry but it is pushing all the wrong buttons.
There is a moment for redemption, she's being chased for a card of some sort and is asked about nine million stupid questions before a naked girl shows up that came out of the card. The card girl is making this 5% better then it was, but it is still very cutie and still very annoying.
Lost the one bit I liked when the card girl started to cry and act like a normal girl. It would have been better if she just stayed as a card girl. I mean she was fake crying but it was still quite annoying and it just put me off. Too many rainbows, messages with wings... It is a little girls show and I just can't stand it to be honest it bores the snot out of me.
Yep no with the all coming out to take a bath I lost complete interest in it. And there is no male at all... It might be the beginning of her story but I am totally turning off from this story.
I made it to the end purely to be fair but this is a 100% no.
There is some really good bits, but it is annoying that they basically had all the girls come out of the cards and behave like... Girls with the main character, they had no real fighting spirit, it isn't like Lucy's Celestial Spirits they just acted like stupid girls and it was annoying. It could have been cool having them pop out and be badass in every episode but no in the first episode they all pop out and have a bath together.
It is just something that I really can't like, it doesn't interest me in the slightest. Not so much that it is a card game show but more it is a girly show. There have been some borderline anime's so far this season that have had a tiny bit of this in them but I've ignored it because the story and characters were fun but this is just cuteness and I don't do just cuteness... Well I do but not in this way.
Even having a cool male was spoilt by.... Just the stupidness.
I'm sorry but there is no chance that I'm going to watch it, too many rainbows and it would spoil my reputation!
I stand by what I said, My Little Pony with girls in cards instead of ponies and none of the fun!
Not happening. One big fat no!
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