21 July 2013

Blood Lad : You had it all along

Episode 3

Well we had a day in the human world and now going to a new Territory! Wolf boys Territory to be precise. YAY WEREWOLF!!!!!

(I'm sure that'll become a new thing every time Wolf boy is mentioned.... Possibly.)


We get to see King Wolf and his subjects (gang.... Whatever) straight off the bat. I already like him!

So... YAY WEREWOLF!!! Finally get to meet one of the other Territory bosses which should be super fun!

This is one of the only opening credits I might have to sit through each time instead of skipping them, I think they are super cool and love this song (will go look it up later, awesome tune!)

The Demon shop keeper dresses Fuyumi up like Wilma for some strange reason and we find out (well... re-find out) that Staz and Wolf boy were friends at school.

Again like last episode (but I didn't mention it) the others are holding the fort in quite a cool way. I like their bonding, and yes the little thing points out what I was feeling the whole "explaining" parts don't actually "explain" anything.

To get him to find the book for him (because they are friends and act like friends) Staz challenges Wolf boy to a... Bowling. And it is purely so that Staz could cheat........ The joke being he's got it wrong and actually they will be boxing, and if Wolf boy wins he gets the girl (he seems to really like her as well.) Staz does manage to cheat a little bit, he forces Wolf boy to transform which is pretty bloody awesome! Though his face looks more like a crocodile then a werewolf (YAY WEREWOLF!!!!) Fuyumi puts an end to it by slapping Staz and crying. Hydrabell (the travel judge women) transports both of them away.

Wow Staz didn't get it wrong it was a bowling match but Hydra made Wolf boy change it to a boxing match. She had the book all along, it was just another bloody test. The book is a giant code so Staz decides to go ask whoever wrote it how to resurrect Yanagi but doesn't seem to like the person they now have to go see!

You really do need to watch after the closing sequence in this series. Braz D. Blood, Staz's older brother, the one character (other then one other who looks to be in next episode too) I really wanted to see! Ohhhh next week looks AWESOME SAUCE!!!!

I really did like Wolf boy (did he have a name? YAY WEREWOLF!!!!) he was a really brilliant character, hope he sticks with them all or at least pops up again. His thing about Yanagi is funny and I'd like to see where that goes because it would be a funny love triangle!

Again lots of funny, more sense in this one though! I understood how scene a got to scene b, not so skippy and confusing.

I guess the big thing is what the heck is Hydra up to, she's such a mystery and just seems to be messing with Staz the whole time. Is he the demon she wants as a husband or does she want him for something else? I guess she likes him (like the demon shopkeeper said) but she's just a plate full of noodles with nothing else really isn't she?

It is just another really good episode, stronger than the last and on par with the first.

Still the characters shine above everything, the comedy is pretty much simple and bare faced but it makes you giggle anyway. It doesn't take itself seriously at all and is a completely carefree anime. Ohhh how I'm enjoying it!

One thing I have to say is I LOVE that we keep an eye (and they have their own adventures) on Drax and the guy pretending to be Staz (the zombie dude might not be called Drax I just now realized that I might be thinking of something completely different therefore not sure on his name!) we don't lose out on them being characters. I find their bits even funnier then some of the main story stuff!

All in all just a nice simple anime to watch every week.

This episode was a lot of fun though, it had me giggling and made me forget all my troubles for a bit. It has a Haiyore! Nyaruko-san feel about it but it doesn't go over the top like that series did, it keeps it held back a little and is much more enjoyable!

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