Another easy one for the second actor blog. Currently starring in Hannibal the Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen.
So let me tell you why I love Mads Mikkelsen...
I will admit I haven't really watched anything with him in it, especially not Casino Royale which I attempted and got half way through which is a record for me with James Bond I'll tell you that!
The first thing I saw him in was King Arthur, which to be honest bored me, I loved the characters but the story was long and pointless. It is a different take on King Arthur and Mikkelsens Tristan was one of my top three favorite characters (the others being Bors played by Ray Winstone and Gawain played by Joel Edgerton) he was the coolest looking one by far. His death was more sad then Lancelot's (played by Ioan Grufford) and no one seemed to care that he'd died.
The only other things I've seen him in are The Three Musketeers and Clash of the Titans.
So other than Hannibal I've seen him in three and a half movies, so why was it when Hannibal was advertised (and the fact he turned down a role in Thor 2 to do Hannibal) and I saw him I instantly decided I had to watch the show?
Because in two and a half of those films he's the only redeeming thing in them. Now that half doesn't count because I've only sat through one whole James Bond film in my life (Golden Eye) purely to see Sean Bean die and go "ISN'T HE CUTE" at Alan Cumming. Half of one film is brilliant going for me. The other two were dire. Those are King Arthur and Clash of the Titans. The Three Musketeers was awesome and also had three of my other favorite actors in it (Orlando Bloom, Christoph Waltz and Ray Stevenson who was also in King Arthur as Dagonet).
Most people think he's boring but I think he says so much more in a tiny twitch of his face then a lot of actors. In Hannibal you just look at his eyes to see the emotion he's hiding from people, but also to move from one emotion to the other flawlessly is masterful.
And his accent.... He has such a unique voice, like Waltz I think I could notice him with my eyes closed.
He's one of those actors that have made such an impression on me but I don't know anything about his private life, I don't follow how he is with fans or such and I've hardly seen the tiniest bit of the stuff he's been in. Though if I SEE an advert for him in something I'd watch it (Clash of the Titans and Hannibal, it was a pleasant surprise seeing him in Musketeers) even if it did mean watching half a boring film!
If anyone has any recommendations on what to watch that he's been in I'd be grateful!
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