11 June 2013

Mawaru Penguindrum : You and I Are Connected by M

Episode 6

So now Ringo is in on the Survival Strategy. Will she hand over the "penguindrum" ?

And not only that we have a girl (called Natsume) going around with a crossbow/slingshot firing Penguin Balls at innocent people....

Will we ever know what is going on?!


The beginning of the episode is just as confusing as anything. "My wedding night to Mr Tabuki" but first "Project M" needs to be completed.... What?

Kanba goes to see Asami (the girl from the elevator fall) but she can't remember who he is at all. At his feet he finds a wrapper from the ball.

Ringo and Sho are together on the tube and the answer to whether or not she gives him the diary is no. She needs to finish Project M. It turns out that she is moving. It turns out she's moving into the foundations of Tabuki's apartment.

The two girls that were with Asami are confronted by Kanba but whilst he talks to them he see's that someone is waiting to shot them and it is Natsume. Turning them both into zombies fighting over Kanba before.... Well I'm not sure.... They exploded then dropped to the floor and turned into the wrappers that we saw in the hospital, so when they wake up they'll have forgotten about Kanba I guess?

Suddenly whilst trying to get Sho to move Ringo comes down with a fever, though at first it looks like she's attacking Sho.

It turns out that Ringo shares her birthday with Momoka, an older and presumably dead sister. We have a flashback of her mother and father fighting over whether they should move on, it suddenly turns into some strange kind of dream scene. This is when Ringo decided to be just like Momoka. It turned out that Momoka taught Tabuki how to ride a bike and he uses that imagery to tell Ringo how much her sister meant to him. This is all in a flahback by the way.

So we have the diary explained. it was Momoka's diary and because everyone was talking about fate and destiny Ringo held on to the diary to make her fate stick. She wanted to be Momoka, follow in her footsteps to keep her family and Tabuki together and happy.

What a sad fate she gave herself!

Ringo's mother is brilliant and thinks that they have been dating. She also tells Sho about her sister. Ringo is in a fever talking about becoming Momoka...

At home and Himari is initiating a Survival Strategy YAY!

She only manages to call up Sho and tells him that he has to make her "fate" come true.

Kanba is out walking around pondering the penguin balls. The two girls have woken up but as I guessed they don't remember him at all. Ringo has left her home and gone to her "new" home.

In a big mansion Natsume is on the phone telling someone that Project M  will soon begin whilst... Stroking her own little black penguin. Curiouser and curiouser!

This episode actually made me very sad. We finally got a lot of Ringo's life explained to us and I can kind of guess that her mother and father are apart now. She's trying to be her older sister so that she can make all these people happy and it seems she's been on this "path" for so long that if she gives it up do we actually know whether or not she'll be able to just be Ringo anymore?

And the annoying thing about her parents is that they argued about whether or not to treat Ringo like a normal child instead of always remembering their elder daughter and yet they seem to have never really cared for Ringo that much. Or at least not enough to notice when she goes missing or the fact she based her life on her sister because she over heard them making her life out to be unimportant in the grand scheme of things!

I'm starting to be really happy that she's found Himari and the boys because at least when she gives up on this horrible "fate" she's made herself bound too because she wants everyone to be happy she'll at least have a family that will care and listen to her.

And why am I so annoyed about a anime character?! Or at least why am I so annoyed FOR a anime character?!!!

Now we have Project M, the story seems to be evolving ever so slightly and we've finally got some kind of... Thing to hold onto. What is Project M? I believe both Natsume and Ringo have two very different versions of Project M but every single strand of this story seems to be bound together. It really is "fate" playing a cruel game with a lot of lonely people it seems.

Something else I was pondering was that everything we've seen so far about this "fate" diary has happened, it just hasn't happened for Ringo its happened between Tabuki and Yuri. Does this mean that fate actually has a plan for them? Hopefully Ringo will run off with Sho and everyone will live happily ever after?

Natsume seems to be an interesting character but with little to no information on her she is a bit of a mystery at the moment ,and we like a mystery don't we boys and girls?!

But little black Penguin! CUTE!

It was nice having such a condensed feeling episode, there were two stories being told and they ran parallel to each other for a change. Too many times do two stories intertwine and by the end of the episode you are left scratching your head, not in a bad way but in a confused way.

I really do love how we get so much in depth information on these characters at times, they really feel so real to me. I feel sorry for all four of the main cast though I'm starting to feel that Tabuki now as an adult should kind of guess why Ringo spends so much time with him and distance himself nicely from her.

Yeah I love Ringo and think it sucks what is happening to her!

So I'm up to episode 7 and normal service will start from next week with episode 7!

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