Growing up I've had every games console from a Commedore to my trusty PS3.
My favorite games have all been in between these two consoles to be honest and on varying platforms.
First up is probably Toonstruck a game I've loved for what feels like forever. Unfortunately I've lost the discs for it as my friend has told me if I had them I could probably find a way to play it on my laptop, but it was great fun when we were kids. It see's a writer for a cartoon being sucked into that world and having to save it. Christopher Lloyd was the writer and it was just funny from beginning to end. A lot of the humor was adultish which kept my mum entertained. I'd love to see it or a sequel (or it and a sequel) appear on a new platform or just brought out for newer PC's. Of course I'd be first in line if it came out for the PS3 or even the iPhone!
Next is the Monkey Island games, especially Curse of Monkey Island. I know this one made a bit of a come back recently but I haven't like the game design since Curse, I'm not sure why they've done this horrible 3D thing when Curse looked so beautiful. Not to say I didn't like the games, they were their usual witty selves fully of fun and adventure. Again I'd love to see this come out for newer consoles all updated and shiny.
The next one on my "want" list is Hocus Pocus Pink, a Pink Panther game. But I tell anyone who does in the future read this blog and brings it back because my opinion is law and it should be out DO NOT FORGET TO ADD THE SOUND TRACK ESPECIALLY THE PEGASUS SONG! I loved this game it was so much fun and so funny, flying from place to place with the help of a black hole. Why am I going on about the soundtrack? Well my version of it (probably all versions of it) had the major songs in the game that had music videos with them on the CD as well so you could watch the videos separately at anytime that you liked. The Pegasus song is my favorite (my sisters was the rat one even though she hated rats *shrugs*) and I can't find it online anywhere and love it to bits. A brilliant game that it is a shame you can't really get hold of it anymore!
Now the Discworld games won't come as a shock on this list as a giant Discworld fan. I had them all on various systems, I completed 1 and 2 but never Noir (not because it was difficult it kind of messed up and then my sister gave the game to her friend and I never got a chance to restart it and try it again!) I'd love for all three to be available for PS3. Especially as Broken Sword has came out for PS3, it would be a wonderful addition to all Discworld fans collections! I'd especially love a chance to play Noire through to the end (I think mine glitched when I was meant to go under a stage but because I did something else before that I locked the trap door or something.)
Can anyone remember Blazing Dragons? That game was totally epic! You had to win thumb war fights to marry the princess and become king! Ohh the hours of fun I had with that one. Again like Toonstruck it had a small dose of adult humor to keep my mum happy with it but was just so bright, colorful, cheerful and ridiculously funny that I never wanted to stop playing it! Oh how I wish that one would come out again. It would be a perfect addition to my PS3 games.
Can anyone remember Sonic games before they were 100 miles a second and sliding on rails in one long sprint across a map? Because they had this wonderful game called Sonic Adventures, ok it wasn't a click and point but it was so much fun. Plus you got to go to the chocobo gardens and raise chocobos. Ohh the hours I played that game making myself a angel and devil chocobo! I had millions of the little buggers. But it wasn't just that which made it brilliant, it was a proper Sonic attempt at an RPG. There was a proper story, you had to go from one area of the map to the next to progress stories, the stories ranged into other characters, you could meet these characters strolling around the metropolis when you were just running about the place. Real good fun.
These were probably the games I loved most growing up. Of course I've always loved Final Fantasy type games, Dungeon Keeper was a big hit for our family as well, Tomba was a game I played for hours, but they weren't the only type of games there were.
Nowadays it is all really samey. You want something with story? Well learn how to shoot a gun because that is probably what you'll end up doing. Bioshock has a wonderful world surrounding it, wonderful story and is so engrossing but I've never been able to play games like that so I've had to watch my partner do the first two games.
You do need some of these type of games to make a come back, they were harmless and a lot of good fun! Our warehouse man tells us the kind of things his 11 year old son is into and it is all CoD, Arkham games etc. There is nothing really child friendly because most of the child friendly games are boring!
Come on people the Discworld is RIPE for a big grand RPG Skyrim type click and point *cue people telling me its impossible* well make it possible!
Broken Sword seems popular enough that the first game has made it to PS3 remastered, so why can't we get a new Broken Sword?
Yeah OK the magazines, websites and some hardcore geek is going to complain about graphics etc but really, as I said up blog Curse of Monkey Island is a beaut! The games that came after it that were all 3D added nothing to it, the game play was harder and the characters looked ugly.
I really do think there is an audience out there for good old fashioned fun, story telling, click and points!
I love my Dragon Ages, LA Noires and Lego games but sometimes I just wish that some of the gems of the past were remembered. In this ever moving forward times people seem to think anything "back then" isn't worth thinking about but cartoony games will work for people, you don't have to have an actor CGI'd into a game for people to buy it. The story and gameplay have to be decent, the loading has to be alright and you are in.
Please someone stop me mentioning Discworld games ever again! I now have a Discworld/Skyrim/LA Noire type game in my head. In fact I'd go bigger then that...
But that is for another blog later this week!
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