Episode 2
We've been introduced to the family, we've been introduced to the penguins and introduced to the concept of fate.
Are we ready for the next episode of Penguindrum?
It starts off with the school girl that one of Kanba's friends were perving at (remember when he accosted Shouma outside of the train station? Just before he realized he left his pass at school and the Penguin gave it to him? Remember?
"Nothing in this world is pointless. Because I believe in fate." That seems to be her opinion on it.
At home everyone is talking about what to feed the penguins. Shouma's seems to have a big thing about bugs and Shouma wants to try cheap dog food. But whilst they talk, without it actually appearing to move, Himari is wearing the hat and SURVIVAL STRATEGY starts. Yes that weird thing that see's the boys shot into a giant bear thing and then whilst talking to them (and Shouma being ejected off the platform) Himari seems to strip.
This time she actually gives orders. Get on a train at 8:00, into a certain train because some girl "probably" has the Penguin Drum.
Even though I've seen this series before I've only just realized that she seems to be walking down the spine of the bear thing...
Anyway on the train Shouma has a flashback of when Himari died/came back to life. Not a long one like last week anyway. This episode it seems that the background people have actually been drawn, and unfortunately a girl thinks Shouma touched her butt, though she seems happier to believe it could be Kanba (and what is it with the ugly lipstick shading?)
The girl they were looking for was that girls friend Ringo... Outside in the street the background characters are all back to being grey and Shouma is attacked by Kanba's friend again.
Kanba comes up with the brilliant idea of numbering the Pingo's (Kanba's #1, Shouma's #2, Himari's #3) they also use them to spy on the girl in school because obviously only they can see them. With radios and camera's taped to them they infiltrate the classroom (OMG HOW CUTE!), one jumps on her book the other goes between the legs. They are a little useless no matter how adorable they are!
At home Himari gets a phone call from Shouma's teacher Mr Tabuki.
Ringo leaves earlier, the boys follow her and realize she is going in the wrong direction. The penguins are still all over her even though she can't see them, I hope I have invisible Penguin friends... I might leave some fish out just in case! First she goes into a bookstore to read about the "way into a mans heart" she leaves the shop as Himari gives Shouma a bollocking over the phone for missing school and then Ringo walks into... A lingerie shop!
Ohhh the hilarity of Penguins with sexy underwear on their heads. They lose her anyway, she ends up on the ledge of the building, she takes a picture then leaves...
It turns out she was taking a picture of a swallows nest to show Mr Tabuki. This leads to her stalking the teacher and the boys stalking her. Kanba hits the nail on the head, she fancies their teacher. Kanba sends the Penguins to "redeem" themselves and they follow Kanba under Mr Tabuki's house, she's crawled into the foundation.
It is actually quite sweet and disturbing at the same time! It seems that her diary tells her the future? Something like that.
So second episode of Penguin Tuesday, just as good as the first. The story actually had direction towards the plot not just the setting up, we've met another main character (Ringo) and got another side story going on (her stalking the teacher).
We also have a whole episode of Penguiney goodness.
Even though the story on paper doesn't look too complicated, serious or dark it has some weight to it that guides the funny plots instead of heightens the laughable stuff. You could easily just chill and watch it, understand the story and have fun without having to think about it or it all just turn into noise unless you are paying attention. That is one of the great strengths of the series.
Not much of Himari though, sadly, I do like her character though her Penguin is quite boring even if it did eat its own wig!
I actually quite like the Ringo/Tabuki story and love seeing it grown. It usually has a lot more depth to some of the other characters. I will say no more!
You could just sit and look at the art work all day on this anime though, it is so nice to look at, bright even in the darkness. As I said last time I love how the background characters haven't really been drawn, it gives the emphasis on the main characters at all times. It also helps make the Penguins stand out, and lets face it I only started watching it because it has cute Penguins (like Dragons in the Fairy Tail manga blog I do not know why I capitalize the P but I will carry on doing so) the story is brilliant though so I don't feel too bad having a shallow reason for watching it (like half the Tom Hiddleston/Edward Norton/Karl Urban DVDs I own).
Brilliant second episode, much fun, can't wait for next Penguin Tuesday!
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