Yeah so you are probably gonna come on here and wonder where the heck my Karneval blog is.
Well... I officially started my holiday on Thursday, stayed up till 4am on Wednesday watching Hannibal but didn't get much sleep on Thursday... So I ended up sleeping most of today (Friday) away. When I was awake I wasn't awake enough to write a blog, got the Fairy Tail one done then totally forgot what I was doing.
At first I thought "Yeah I'll do that tomorrow" but then remembered I'm up stupidly early to take my niece to ballet then we are going into town so Catherine (my sister) can buy my birthday present and also to see the Lord Mayors Day parade. When we get home it is getting ready for Doctor Who's series finale. So yeah it'll be late by the time I write up Karneval.
If I don't do it and schedule it for Sunday then I'll probably write it on Sunday along with Nyaruko-san and the Nyaruko-san OVA which came out today.
Sorry 'bout that!
Now with these words you probably think I'm off to bed? Well I'm not I'm going to watch an episode of Arrested Development because I've been told to. But just so you know...
Along with the normal review blogs (schedule posted here) we will have Hannibal on a Thursday or Friday (I think I'll watch it on a Thursday but need to wait till next week to confirm which day the review will be) and Supernatural... Not decided what day.
Supernatural you say?
Why yes! I had my first e-mail from a "fan" who convinced me to watch Supernatural from start to end and write blogs about every episode BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE IT. She thinks I'll enjoy it more the longer I watch it because I gave up on it very early on (about episode 2) so she wants me to write a blog review about it. I accepted the challenge. I'm not sure how I'll go about that, maybe do three or four episodes together and do a once a month blog that kind of thing.
So in the coming days you'll have catch up blogs on Hannibal and he'll be joining us for the next few weeks leading up to their end of season as well as the normal blogs (hopefully back to normal next week).
Ohh and in case you are wondering no I did not catch up with the last MotoGP race. I didn't give up reviewing it I just never bothered watching it. Sad I know but I'll write a blog on that later.
For now good night!
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