16 May 2013

Hannibal : Amuse-Bouche

Episode 2

We've met Will Graham and Hannibal, we've had our first glimpse of the demented minds that they will be going after, we've even had our first Hannibal meal (where is my eye bleach?)

What have we got to look forward to tonight?


Will Graham is in the shooting range, he has one of his moments seeing the guy from last week coming towards him instead of the target picture. He is abruptly woken from this dream by Crawford knocking on the window of the car, he obviously fell asleep on the journey. Look at me stating the obvious.

They are at Garret Jacob Hobbs cabin in the woods which has been turned into a crime scene (you really have log cabins in America?). Inside is the dead body of a deer and upstairs thousands of antlers cover the room, including one covered in blood. Crawford points out that there are still 7 missing bodies and that we don't know if there was anyone else that ate the organs with Hobbs. The cabin is the right kind of creepy, to be honest if you didn't know the owner killed young ladies there and proceeded to eat their organs it could have been seen as a hobby. Crawford thinks the partner in this crime was his daughter, apparently she spent a lot of time with her father here. Graham doesn't agree though I can see Crawfords point of view. Graham finds a strand of hair then we flash to a half naked women sat at a computer looking at photos from the crime scene.

Ohh she works for the tattler. But half naked?

Graham walks into a lecturer to tell people how he caught Hobbs. He really doesn't seem impressed with how he caught Hobbs, well to be honest he never is happy is he? He points out that finding out why he did this would stop others doing the same thing in the future and points out he already has one admirer (the copycat from last episode.)

LOVE the female lecturer she makes me laugh but she also has Grahams best interest at hand. Crawford tells Graham that he is ready to go back onto the field but he needs to have a psyche evaluation with Hannibal. Graham decides to take them up on that offer.

Already I really enjoy the back and forth that Hannibal and Graham have. Their relationship is slowly growing and it is such an interesting dynamic I can't wait to see it grow even more.

Elsewhere a group of boys find a load of buried bodies with their arms sticking up above ground with tubes stuck in them. What the heck?!

Now I don't want to be morbid, but I'm going to be anyway, but those bodies with the mushrooms growing out of them is one of the coolest things I have seen for ages. You don't get graphic things like this in CSI! They were buried alive. The explanation why was something basically along the lines of so the decomposition of the bodies would destroy any way of identification. Something like that.

The women from the tattler is snooping, pretending to be the mother of one of the boys. I like her more than the reporter in Broadchurch, she probably isn't doing her job right then! I don't think you are ever meant to like reporters.

Back to Graham and he is doing his time turner trick, becoming the murderer. Man doesn't the man he's burying look a tiny little bit like Flake from Rammstein? Graham is still having moments about Hobbs but he is quickly woken out of that when one of the dead bodies (the one he saw himself burying) comes alive and grabs him by the arm. Really cool, again sorry that it is morbid but that is really bloody awesome.

Back to Hannibal and Graham, Hannibal is asking the hard questions, makes me feel sorry for Graham which has been hard so far. After asking about how he feels about shooting Hobbs Hannibal takes him straight back to the new case. The bodies were fertilizer. I really love the way that Hannibal wiggles the thoughts into Grahams head. It is something that Mikkelsen does really well, he has such a straight face at all times.

The women from the tattler was outside recording the interview. Hannibal susses her out in seconds, ohh how much do I love this man! He doesn't send her away, he makes her delete the conversations telling her she's been terribly rude. Never be rude to Hannibal.

Oh he isn't feeding Crawford the reporter? Please don't say he's feeding Crawford the reporter. He's feeding the reporter to Crawford.

I love Hannibal.

I had to pause the episode for a second after pig poop, they are all diabetics. Graham works this out because they get fed sugar through the tubes in their arms and it wasn't because they were all alcoholics. He then works out (and I had again to pause the episode to type this before I lost the train of thought before I'd typed it out) that the person doing this must be a Doctor so that the can mess up with their drugs and induce a coma. He uses the bodies to grow mushrooms. Well we know that anyway.

So have we just came face to face with our killer? I think we have. Creepy glasses man working at the drug store. I love how Crawford walks into this building with a load of swat police like he was doing his shopping! Unfortunately it seems that the guy has already disappeared but they find the women buried in dirt in the back of his car.

They've found the reporters report on Graham, so it turns out that Hannibal didn't feed the reporter to Crawford. Thank god. She does get a visit from the FBI though. Who is the short one because he is hell of a cute! I think she has more to worry about then the FBI and it was the small cute one that told her all about Graham, no wonder he looked so shifty!

Graham is sitting with Hobbs daughter and for some reason see's a deer walking by the door. He's still having nightmares basically, the female lecturer (who I really need to find out her name) shows up and starts reading to the girl in the coma.

After leaving her house the tattler reporter faces the other detective, the one from the crime scene is waiting for the reporter.... She ends up having to help the doctor from this episode. I'm guessing that she won't learn from her mistakes, well obviously she won't because it seems that she's told the doctor about everything. The doctor wants to help Graham by burying the girl. Oh please say she gets eaten at some point she is being very rude.

Disguising himself as I guess himself in the hospital the doctor goes after Abigail Hobbs. Oh and the reporter is called Freddie Lounds. I just thought I should actually point out I do know these characters names I just have been calling them girl and reporter all episode. I also know the killers name but not sure AT ALL how to spell it so won't attempt it. Anyway as the doctor goes after Abigail Will gets the phone call that he is going to bury Abigail so runs to help her. Too late though, he's got the body. Will catches him and shoots him in the arm. Well it is a step up from killing the killer.

Now this was what I was wanting out of this series, we got to hear something from the killer. He thought he was doing them a favor by bringing them closer to the fungi. Back in Hannibals office and Graham comes to terms with the fact that he kind of enjoyed killing Hobbs because he knew that he was the bad guy and killing him was the right thing. Hannibal acts like a knife in a gap slowly creaking open Grahams head. I just love watching him when he talks, so calm and so..... in control. In a way so different from the iconic Hannibal of Hopkins but in others so similar.

The episode was full of the strengths of the first but even more so. The story was interesting but didn't leave the threads that were dangling from last episode at all. In fact everything tangled up quite neatly. The character development that felt lost in last weeks episode only was lost because they let it hang into this episode, instead of going from one crime to another it'll show Graham coming to terms with everything in Hannibals study.

The acting just gets better as well. You wouldn't expect anything different from a cast like this to be honest.

As I said whilst writing it, it sounds morbid saying that it is cool but the whole using the bodies to grow mushrooms thing was really cool and the make up and effects just blew me away. At first I had no idea what I was looking at, when it dawned on me it kind of turned my stomach a bit. The whole concept was awesome.

I have to say that I am slowly falling in love with Mikkelsens Hannibal. He doesn't feel as human as Anthony Hopkins made Hannibal, maybe it is in the accents, but Hopkins always felt like a human. Mikkelsen feels more... Robotic in a way, much more in control of any emotions he might have. It is the way he's made such an iconic character so different that makes me love him for it. But the basic Hannibal-ness of the character is there. The intelligent side, the deadly intent read into little things that only we know is there. At all times you are waiting to see who he is going to take offence to because we all know Hannibal can't stand rude people.

I'm not sure I ever want to know if Crawford actually ate pork or something else at Hannibals table to be honest. I'll be happy never to find out!

To be fair this does feel like one of the best things I've watched so far this year, really unique feel to it, so much better then episode 1 and episode 1 was pretty good to begin with. The quality of the show and the story being told was so much better and so much clearer.

So good I'm going to watch episode 3 right now! (This blog might come out in the evening but I am writing it at 1am and scheduling it for later, the episode 3 blog which technically should be Supernatural episode 1 series 1 blog will be for tomorrow night!)

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