So apparently once again Fernando Alonso has had an altercation with a paparazzi who was just trying to get a photo of him with his girl outside their hotel yesterday....
Hate to break it to the guy but yeah I don't blame Alonso for being angry, I don't blame anyone for being angry about it! Causing damage to the camera I don't agree with though funny thing is this guy KNEW Alonso has had altercations before with paparazzi and is surprised to upset a guy whilst "just trying to get a photo with you and your girl" ?
I hate how he hides behind being "the press" no you weren't, what news would you get from taking a photo of people coming back to a hotel room after going out? Yes there are people out there that want to see those types of photos but taking them at the circuit is one thing outside the hotel? Totally disgusting.
Alonso should probably pay the damage on the camera but can you blame him for getting angry?
The stupidity of the comments that the photographer sent to Alonso and the whole situation is bound (and already kind of) being over shadowed by stupidity of fans.
"This is why Alonso will never be a true legend" they cry. Well at least he just damaged a camera from some rude bastard prying into his personal life, Senna is a legend and he wasn't the nicest of people all of the time. He lost his temper plenty of times. What the heck does a temper outside of the car got to do with him being a legend?
And we are really going to compare him to lying two faced Vettel? Don't make me laugh!
Now I'm agreeing here that Alonso was in the wrong on the criminal damage.
But the photographer was wrong for taking the photo in the first place no matter what the hell he thinks or people in "the press" think. I don't take random photos of random people when I'm out and about and from following wrestlers/drivers/actors online I get the feeling they'd rather you asked then to sneak about taking their photos. So no I have no respect for him prying.
Alonso works when he steps into the circuit or a PR event, that is when you take his photo unless you ask first. If you don't ask and he gets upset yeah if he goes too far its bad on him and his fans won't stick up for that behavior, but don't try to make out you are innocent.
Still hope Alonso wins this weekend!
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