So last episode Nai and Geraki were "caught" by Carnival after an aborted kidnap attempt (I say aborted I mean a giant cat came and threw candy bars at the bad guys and they ran away... Yep that really happened boys and girls!)
What more will we learn about Circus, and will anyone on the Circus Ship be able to wear a top hat properly?!
So just to begin with want to say how much I love the titles, the first episode had unique ones but the ones since have been brilliant. Really add that magic feeling.
Anyway we start with Geraki remembering about Nai's moment at the end of last episode and also flashing back to him as a child standing over a dead body in the rain.
The moment is instantly lifted by the presence of Yogi being worried about Nai and being whacked (with the drip!) by the doctor. It seems Nai is fine physically but they send Hirato to find out what could have happened to him. The doctor says he should wake up soon though.
In Nai's dream he is still listening to Karoku, it seems Karoku already knows that Nai has made friends with Geraki, and it seems Karoku wants Nai to leave Geraki. And I've just realized that I've been spelling Geraki wrong this whole time its Gareki duh! I'll change all the labels and start spelling it right now (I had a feeling it was the a before the e I even looked doubly hard at the subtitles last episode and still missed it totally!)
Nai gives Gareki his Circus ID but he refuses it and leaves. For a moment we actually get a really sad Nai moment as he thinks he's going to lose Gareki.
Nai isn't human according to the doctor. And just in case you wondered I do think the doctors hat is a vast improvement on others. Apparently Nai is a Niji, an extremely rare animal. This leads to a very funny and cute flashback for Gareki replacing Nai with a Niji.
Kafka is the name of the part of Circus? Or whatever that the bracelet belongs too but there is no other explanation about Kafka other then the name being thrown out there in a conversation between Hirato and Yogi.
Gareki and Nai talk about why Nai wanted him to go away and Nai explains what Karoku said to him in his dream state. "He said I should say goodbye to avoid you being broken, he said it would be better if I said I didn't need you."
Whilst Yogi and the doctor take Gareki and Nai to the lab we get to meet the other members of Circus. Now we get a bit of back ground on Kafka but not much other than the fact that they are possibly responsible for the Vargua.
So after a few experiments and the like Yogi and another doctor take Nai to the Niji Forest, Nai leads them to a cave that seems to be guarded by Vargua bug type things. Whilst Nai runs off to save an innocent little bunny (probably remembering that Vargua blood turns things into Vargua) the attackers actually go after Gareki. What do they want with Gareki?
Well this episode was interesting, it gave an explanation to why I've probably felt a bit cold to Nai so far, he isn't human! It fleshed out his character a little and gave him a little more depth, I knew he was going to end up being that little bit childlike and innocent but now he seems to be growing as well instead of just being strange.
This episode just made you love the core cast more, Yogi is adorable (what is up with Yogis bandage?) as well as introduce the rest of the supporting cast I guess. It looks like there will be some interesting characters within Circus so can't wait for the next episode for that!
This episode was much more wordy but to be honest other then hints of what happened to Nai (Kafka seems to have been researching into genetics and stuff but it seems to have gone wrong and Kafka was disbanded. Karoku it looks like was a genius and made Nai out of a Niji and then the bad guys got hold of the experiments and started making Vargua. That is what I think was basically said, I'll have to watch it again and double check) we didn't actually get too much more information.
Even though it was very wordy it did a brilliant job of setting up some plot points. Gareki has been captured, I'm guessing by something Karoku has set up. We also have the story of Karoku, is he a bad guy, a good guy or something in between?
Nai has sensitive hearing because of the Niji Forest, he also seems to remember the forest even though he can't actually remember much before getting the Circus ID.
I think I'll need to rewatch again and pay closer attention to what they are saying because I have the feeling I've missed one vital piece of information that'll help me piece this together!
But still the episode was a lot of fun, a lot more light hearted then the first two episode but ending on a cliff hanger. Both Nai and Gareki are becoming more and more of a mystery to us and it will be interesting to see both of their stories evolve as we go along. I have to say this is intriguing me more then most shows I've watched in the last few years, the story seems to be woven so well that I don't think I have a choice but to carry on till the end!
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