Episode 2
Geraki saved Nai last week, what will the pair get up to and will they bump into Circus again?
Plus who is Karoku?!
Geraki and Nai are still together, they are in an abandoned building and Geraki goes off to find food for Nai. Whilst he's gone Nai has a flash back to the trail of blood that led him to Karoku's Circus ID.
We then go to Hirato and First Ship Captain, Tsukitachi. It seems to be a Circus thing to have funky looking top hats that just seem to sit on top of your head... It seems that Hirato got in trouble for his part in the hijacking in the last episode. Plus Circus is so cool and mysterious.
Back to Nai and he has left the building which Geraki told him not too, he has found a girl called Nana that tells him about Circus. Unfortunately he has been followed by agents from the dude from last week who is told to bring him back. Geraki is not happy that he has wondered off but there seems to be a parade going on, something to do with Circus which has taken Nai's attention. The guy trailing him goes to grab him but Nai runs off. Thankfully Geraki finds him again and they go back into hiding.
More magically Circusey moments, really love all the animation on the Circus pieces it really is beautiful.
It looks like Circus are keeping an eye on Nai too.
Just when it looks like Geraki and Nai are about to be killed/kidnapped a giant cat starts throwing candy bars at the bad guys. Well a man in a cat suit from Circus, "The Second Ship Fighter of the National Defense Organization, Circus, Yogi." He is slightly cooler then the cat thing would have you believe. He also has a sword which makes the bad guys run away, actually I think it was the fact he was with Circus... And he had two swords.
Yogi then... Flies them up to Circus shop. The inside of the ship is just as cool as everything else in this series.
Hirato finally explains what Circus is, they are an organization to wipe out certain crimes. It also turns out that Karoku is unknown to the current Circus group. Circus are after people making mutations basically, people like Mine from the last episode. If you get touched by their blood you'll turn into one of them.
Plus Yogi is really cute. He is 21 and wants to play hide and seek.
They play hide and seek. Geraki tries to use it as a chance to leave the ship but he gets followed by these little things, Yogi is only in a cupboard and Nai.... Well Nai falls off of the ship by accident and immediately bumps into the people the bad guy has hired to kidnap him. More of the mutations. Yogi and Tsukumo come to his assistance right away.
Now this is were I think the real strenth of the series comes, the bad guys are so bloody cool! They are also quite creepy, Varuga is what they are actually called.
So yeah Nai does his strange hearing thing but is he actually being talked to by Karoku or is it some kind of memory? Either way it looks like Karoku is alive and knows that Nai can hear things others can't.
So week 2?
It is getting better, the story is starting to evolve around us, the Varuga are just as cool as the last episode and we are learning a little more about the whole thing.
I think I've found my favorite character, even though I think I'll like most of the characters Yogi is so sweet he's like a big kid! His reaction to the fact that Hirato didn't even realize he was in the room was adorable. I'll probably write about his character and you'll think the show is silly but even though he brings light to what is actually quite a dark anime it is the right kind of comedy. It isn't overbearing and it isn't over the top it is just good fun. His character slides in nicely to the show. Being softly spoken helps as you don't get taken out of it listening to a silly voice he just sounds like a nice person.
Nai I'm still having problems caring about, I don't really have a reason to care about his quest for Karoku. I'm not sure why I don't have that for him as I care about Geraki and I like all of the Circus people we've met even if it is for a second.
As i said up there I think the Varuga are so cool! One thing about loving animes like Fairy Tail is that you don't have the darker type of bad guy. The anime is very dark and it needs that more mutated looking character in it. I mean it has a real Final Fantasy feel about a lot of the Circus thing but these monsters could be out of any horror movie. They actually send real shivers down my spine!
I still think it is the most beautiful thing I've ever watched it really is so well put together and the story is really gripping. It didn't let down after one flashy episode, the next was just as good. There isn't just one story running through at the moment there are a few, lots of questions being asked and a few being vaguely answered. It keeps the interest running and to be fair not lingering on one plot point will make the series better.
I believe this series will just keep going from strength to strength. So far so good!
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