Haiyoru! Nyaruko-san revolves around a Nyarlathotep called Nyaruko who is living on Earth protecting a human called Mahiro.
Welcome to my first review of the first episode (I won't write anymore about the series as I might spoil something down the line! )
It couldn't start off better, opens on a normal moon, monstrous sound out of nowhere, the sky suddenly gets funky and red and then the chilling music and someone running away from some kind of monster. A brilliant way to hook you into a series in my opinion!
Just when everything looks to be over for the guy running away he screams for help and a girl in a dress appears and kills the monster. She introduces herself as Nyarlathotep and such a wonderful opening title sequence.
A quick, not to do with the episode itself moment, but the one thing I do hate about a lot of anime title sequences is it gives a lot away. This one does give a lot away, characters who show up a lot later in the series lose their "mystery" in a way because you've already seen they are actually apart of the team by the end. It is a little annoying, to be honest I don't let it get to me because there are still good stories around the characters but it does make me happy that a lot of things outside anime I watch don't have title sequences like that because it does ruin just a tiny bit of the show for me (only a small bit).
Back to the episode (after I've stopped singing along to the title music). We join our heros back at Mahiro's house were Nyaruko is talking at 100 miles an hour and not explaining anything about what happened the night before. Mahrio takes it into his own hand and stabs Nyaruko with a fork (they then break the fourth wall and talk about being cancelled which makes me laugh).
The humor is there from the start and you can't help fall in love with Mahiro and Nyaruko, they take their time explaining the basis of Nyaruko's character. She is based on the Lovecraft Cthulu mythology, she's an alien who is on Earth to protect Mahiro. She decides to stay to look after Mahiro 24/7.
It is a brilliant start because it introduces both characters and their character traits from the beginning. If anything it is all a bit over the top and manic but when Nyaruko goes over the top Mahrio tends to bring her back to Earth. Kind of.
Anyway there is a lot in this episode of telling us why Nyaruko loves being on Earth, it isn't the most interesting thing to review as she speaks at about 200 miles an hour and it is all about her love for anime/manga/games and Mahiro-san.
In between all this you do get bits and pieces of a overall plot but I don't think the first episode was too worried in making that the most prevalent bit. It is more about introducing such a eccentric character and the weird and wonderful world they belong too.
Plus Space CQC...
Close Quaters Combat.
We also get a first glimpse of some other alien (we guess) covered in flames... Interesting...
So the second half starts with Nyaruko joining Mahiro's school so she can keep an eye on him all the time even at school. It also introduces Mahiro's best friend and classmates.
We find out the monsters attacking Mahiro are called Nightgaunts and Nyaruko then produces a
Are you keeping up with me?
Please don't be put off by what I've written, this series is seriously funny. The first episode is very fast and is more a parody of lots of different things. What it does well is it introduces the two totally polar attitudes of the two main characters. The series strives on adding to them to balance the manic side of Nyaruko out, but you do have to get through the first episode to get to the plot.
A lot of what the series is about is placed within the episode without you really understanding because Nyaruko is so scatter brained and excitable.
Basically she is from a "Space" organisation and is on Earth to protect Earth from a criminal organisation. She is Nyarlathotep in human form.
Nothing else really can be gained from the episode, it is really a comedic opening to the show.
Now if you didn't like the humor in this episode DON'T SWITCH OFF! I have seen the series all the way through and it does calm down.
Personally it got me hooked this episode, I loved the manic feel of Nyaruko and the relationship she has in her mind with Mahiro.
For an opening episode it did a great job of introducing everything we need to know about two characters and the thinnest of descriptions on the plot. But most importantly it was a lot of fun.
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