So let me tell you the sad tale of work recently for me.
We have had this work placement in, lets call her the Purple Haired Twit or PHT for short.
Now the PHT has been with us for 8 weeks, it doesn't sound like much but it has felt like a lifetime for us.
We get a lot of characters in our shop but she was something else. It wasn't that she lied, we've had plenty of liars. It wasn't that she was rude, we've had worse. It wasn't even because she was young! There was just something so... So fundamentally stupid about her attitude that we couldn't help but be astonished with the things that she would blurt out, not only in front of us but in front of customers as well!
She has some very weird views on everything, she always has to have done something bigger and better (or have it happen worse) then you.
Thing is she is only 18, I might only be 23 but I don't talk to Jean (in 60s) or Jenny or Jeannette (40s) like I know better than them about things that I know I know nothing about! She might THINK she knows everything about everything but to be honest even I know she's spread a load of crap around.
The first annoying thing was basically I know her brother. I never met her, I knew her brother at school and bump into him from time to time now we've left. I didn't know he had a sister until she showed up at work. But now apparently I've known her the whole of her life... Well no I haven't.
Then it was that her dad works on the buses so she knew everything about buses that could possibly be known. Just David's friend works on the buses as well and when he made a comment that his friend likes a certain model of bus then he had to be wrong because her dad hated it. When I got angry at some news from PCB because I KNOW they are making a profit (they published their profits in the Herald FFS!) then I was wrong because she's talked to the people in charge and they aren't making a profit at all. Now why the manager of a big corporation, or indeed just of PCB would talk to the daughter of a bus driver FOR ANOTHER COMPANY about their profits I don't know. But apparently they did.
She lets you know at every turning that the Conservatives are evil and that she thinks anyone voting for them are stupid and must have more money then sense. Well no love I vote for them and I'm a part time shop assistant. I just don't like seeing so much money being spent on you and your "partner".
She apparently loves all kinds of rock music but hates pop music... She also owns all of Rhianna's albums... Yeah work that one out.
She's done every drug possible apparently and wants to be a youth worker because she wants to stop people "making the same mistakes as me" well to be honest love I know that you are from a partly posh family and other then radically coloring your hair every few months it seems you've never had a problem! I know this because I asked your brother...
It got to the point were she just had to be smarter than everyone, more opinionated then everyone and have more sympathy then everyone.
Thank god she is going tomorrow! I won't see her as I have the day off. Can't wait to a week of working with normal people again!
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