Chapter 108
Last chapter ended with a discussion between Excalibur and Shinigami about Death the Kid becoming a full Shinigami and Shinigami's own fear of death.
This chapter will see Death the Kid going face to face with the Kishin. What will happen?
So Excalibur is going on again at Shinigami to begin with, what is it with Excalibur?! I mean I thought he was a total joke and now he's hanging about Shinigami being quite creepy. Whatever he is going on about I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.
Back to the action and there is a big revel! Kishin is technically Kids brother! They are both fragments of Shinigami, so this is a family fued.
Death is obviously disgusted by the revelation, but it doesn't stop Kishin carry on his lecture to Kid. Whilst he's going on Black Star is getting angry and attacks, unfortunately the power of the Kishin means he doesn't get very far and for a horrible moment you think it is the end of Black Star as the Kishin fires a laser into Black Stars mouth.
Amazingly (but not surprisingly for Black Star) he just spits it out (in true Dragon Slayer fashion) and does his "I'm Black Star" thing. Good ole Black Star!
The whole thing ends with Souls little demon dude taking control again, because to defeat black blood Soul will need to use the black blood he's been infected with.
So the Kishin and Kid are brothers? How cool is that!
I really do hope we get a flashback chapter to do with the Kishin as he looks like he's a terribly cool customer and I'd love to hear more of his past without it being in long speeches in present times.
It'll also be interesting to hear more about them being fragments of the Shinigami.
I do hope this isn't going to write off Shinigami though, I'd like after this finishes (if they carry on!) for them to go back to something lighter with the kids being kids, Death Scythe being a perv and Shinigami being all "down with da kidz".
For me I feel like Excalibur is important, he probably isn't but he keeps on and on (and I don't mean in his normal way) that I think he knows a lot more then he's letting on (not that he isn't letting on a hellva lot anyway.)
In all it was a great chapter worth waiting for, but with another month to wait there isn't really much to sink your teeth into yet.
Black Star being the amazing shining star that he is was wonderful though, happy to see he's still the same as ever.
Why do I have to wait a month?!
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